SASSIE Export Option?

I'm pretty sure there isn't, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something. Does the SASSIE platform have an export option built in whereby one can export their shop data, then import it into a spreadsheet program?

Has anybody tried to scrape the data from your account using a 3rd party tool?

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In Sassie, not that I'm aware of. MFI has an option to export Payment History to PDF by year. It lists each shop with shop pay and purchase reimbursement, along with monthly totals and check payment date.
SA, not that I know of.. It sure would be nice to be able to download a payment report either monthly or annually, but as often as I search for such things, I still haven't found it.
Nope, never saw a way to do this, it would be really nice to have a little more functionality on the shopper side, like being able to sort by unpaid/paid, export, etc.
Thank you for the responses.

I have tried several ways to get the data automatically from Sassie, but they are using JavaScript to block my attempts. Oh, well. This would be a relatively easy feature to add to the Sassie platform. The ability to export a month or year worth of shops into Excel or Sheets would save an enormous amount of time when it comes to keeping records.
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