Companies that pay in a timely manner + Short time

Why don't all mscs use paypal? Do they charge/ Seems to me that it is secure and seemless.

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1. BestMark - 15 day TA
4. CSP - 15 days (scheduled via KSS)
5. CORI- weekly
6. Research Services-2 Weeks from completion
7. Ellis-22nd each month all completed work from previous month
8. Primo Solutions-30 days or less
9. Trendsource, 5th and 20th of the month, and if you shop just a couple of days before those dates, you are paid on the dates
10. Customer Service Experts
11. Strategic Reflections
12. Mintel - like 3 days
13. MarketForce - Purple 2x times/mo
14. DJC - sometimes they pay in 48 hrs
15. Measure Consumer Perspectives
16. Second to None
17. New Image Marketing
18. Feedback + ...twice a month (can be as short as 3 days)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2011 04:03AM by anakin.
Ath no longer lets me work for them because I constantly complained about slow pay and told them that I was going to call their client. I will somehow manage to pay my bills without them. Ha Ha!
I have never worked for Ath, but due to this forum did register. They send me one email daily for a job they need done in Virginia, I'm in California, really....
wjones777 Wrote:
> Ath no longer lets me work for them because I
> constantly complained about slow pay and told them
> that I was going to call their client. I will
> somehow manage to pay my bills without them. Ha
> Ha!

Live consciously....
1. BestMark - 15 day TA
4. CSP - 15 days (scheduled via KSS)
5. CORI- weekly
6. Research Services-2 Weeks from completion
7. Ellis-22nd each month all completed work from previous month
8. Primo Solutions-30 days or less
9. Trendsource, 5th and 20th of the month, and if you shop just a couple of days before those dates, you are paid on the dates
10. Customer Service Experts
11. Strategic Reflections
12. Mintel - like 3 days
13. MarketForce - Purple 2x times/mo
14. DJC - sometimes they pay in 48 hrs
15. Measure Consumer Perspectives
16. Second to None
17. New Image Marketing
18. Feedback + ...twice a month (can be as short as 3 days)
19. Harland Clarke
20. Customer Service Experts - twice a month.
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