Hotel shops

@kpersaud wrote:

Nope! I don't get anything in this area from them but folks I've spoken to on Reddit seemed to seemed to be active with them. Similarly, other folks use TrueGuest but I can't find anything from them. Maybe both of the MSCs are regional. I've never seen anything in the NE from them.

TrueGuest definitely has stuff in the NE - however, I think that they must only show shops to a small sub-set of people that are signed up with them. I just looked and I can see hotel shops in the NE right now. I think back when they first started out, they were casting a wide net but now that they have a group of shoppers they work with regularly, they no longer publish their list of hotels for anyone that is signed up with them to see.

I think with SQM you will be able to see whatever they have - but it will be hard to get assigned a shop unless you pass their SQM shopper levels (they go up to 9). And some of them are a real PITA and take real perseverance. I went through their levels back in 2003 when I first started shopping.

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@Okie wrote:

Curious if anyone has done a shop with Regal Hospitality Group? I signed up some months ago and a round of locations posted from a chain. There was one within 10 miles of me. This specific location seemed to be on the simpler and straightforward side based on the description. Overnight stay, dinner and bar, breakfast. I figured I work up a sweat near that area with someone and crash there. I debated whether it was worth it, but didn't seem that bad and might be a good way to get experience with them.

I did one about 10 years ago - it was very straightforward and typical - no surprises. Reimbursement came without issue, and no questions from the editor. I never got the fee (which was small - maybe $40). I emailed once and they said they would look into it, but it never came. I didn't pursue it because it was a relatively small amount, but just never worked with them again. My guess is that probably it was just an oversight - but I am not interested in chasing payment. I do know people who work with them regularly and have nothing but good things to say, and this WAS 10 years ago, so things most likely have changed for better or worse.
Most Coyle hotel shops require two people. Do you have a companion always on your travels?
@Luv2Travel123 wrote:

Most Coyle hotel shops require two people. Do you have a companion always on your travels?

Clarification; Most Coyle shops are PERMITTED for two people, but are acceptable to do solo. You can confirm with support for any specific hotel, but I did them solo for years and would sometimes invite friends to join me for meals.

My current hotel assignment states: "Evaluator and one Adult Guest is permitted - No Children". That means solo or with an adult guest
Regal is late paying. I did three shops for them in the last quarter: one in July, one in August, and one last week.

The July payment was late, so I emailed accounting, and was told that the person signing the check is away until early October. So that payment is on standby, in the best of cases, I will get paid over 90 days after the shop was performed, which is contradicting their pay policy,

The August shop was scheduled with an overnight reimbursement promised. After doing the shop and filling their expenses report, accounting emailed me saying the overnight would not be reimbursed. The form had not been updated, so the accountant followed the form. I emailed the email where an overnight was promised, but until that same person returns in early October, I have no guarantee this overnight will be reimbursed.

Not very professional to say the least. They have nice properties, but you should be ready and willing to wait a long time before getting paid.
@charlhenri Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it, it's helpful to know.

Also, I hope all of your payment issues get resolved!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2024 08:46PM by Okie.
Thanks Steve. I emailed the scheduler last year when my partner could not make the trip and the scheduler herself stated that if it says "The visit is for two adults" it means 2 adults are required. Not sure when that changed, but I, too had been doing solo hotel shops for them for a number of years. The property was quite upscale and I did not want to risk being out all of that money doing it solo, so I had to cancel.
@Luv2Travel123, I had a similar experience with Coyle a couple of weeks ago. It may be specific to each individual customer. I can mostly only travel alone now, and this is part of the issue with finding appropriate shops.
@Luv2Travel123 wrote:

Thanks Steve. I emailed the scheduler last year when my partner could not make the trip and the scheduler herself stated that if it says "The visit is for two adults" it means 2 adults are required.

Yes;; it seems that some clients have modified the requirements to require two guests. It's strange at some of the fancier resorts to check in alone, I guess.

The other issue is that the current person handling the hotel scheduling was not around years ago when solo visits were always allowed, and they just regurgitate the posted requirements back to people.

My advice would be to always reach out to support with questions about guest requirements. Not scheduling. It's different people, and you may get a different answer. The schedulers are all contractors these days and probably have not ever actually done a hotel assignment themselves.
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