Bare International - no response

I'm trying to figure out why I haven't gotten paid by Bare for a July shop. They don't use the traditional paypal/direct deposit and it's some weird platform I'm not familiar with nor have I gotten any messages how to sign up for it.

I've messaged my scheduled ... no response. So I emailed another response and waited ... no response. And then called the company and left a message. It shouldn't be this hard to get help. Anyone have a direct contact? This is disappointing!

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In 2006, I completed my only shop for Bare. The scheduler complimented me concerning my report, but the editor scored it unacceptable; I was paid. I contacted the ombudsman and was assured the situation would be investigated; the result was crickets. They were the first MSC I terminated. Approx. 2008, I was contacted to resume our relationship, but I declined the invitation. Non-communication, to me, is completely unacceptable.
@greenwhite11 wrote:

I'm trying to figure out why I haven't gotten paid by Bare for a July shop. They don't use the traditional paypal/direct deposit and it's some weird platform I'm not familiar with nor have I gotten any messages how to sign up for it.

I've messaged my scheduled ... no response. So I emailed another response and waited ... no response. And then called the company and left a message. It shouldn't be this hard to get help. Anyone have a direct contact? This is disappointing!

I just caught one today from the ISS platform that wasn't paid. No rhyme no reason. I did 4 shops - and the other 3 were paid. Hopefully an oversight. I jus emailed a dew minutes ago. I'm sure that they will respond in a timely manner.
I do not have any negative experiences myself with BARE. I'm not that thrilled with Tipalti (their payment method). A few other companies use Tipalti too. You have a login with each company thru Tipalit which seem unnecessary. Paypal is so much easier. One payment location with one sign on.

So now we know @shopperbob termination beginnings. I'm pretty short with my tolerance level, but @shopperbob takes it to a whole other level. I try NOT to terminate companies just because they have a crappy scheduler. It doesn't mean the rest of the schedulers are bad or that they don't pay. Now if a MSC is NOT going to pay me, then I would seek out @shopperbob "terminator services."

Doing this for 20 years, you come across some great schedulers and some clown schedulers, but if I terminated companies for all the ones I felt were clowns, I would not have that many left to shop for. I will terminate a scheduler before I terminate an MSC. I know there are plenty that do not like initials NA, but there are other schedulers with the same company that are definitely work working for.
For this post, I am employing a true life experience.

A few months back, one of my store customers was checking out. His bill was $10.25. He requested of me to accept $10.00 so he would not need to break a $20; I declined. He returned the XBOX game to the display. I neither needed nor desired to accept $10.00, so I refused. As it applies to shopping, I give my best and never flake. Therefore, I am unwilling to accept less from any MSC.
Bare's shops on iss are paid through PayPal. The ones I've done from their own website are paid through Tilapi (I know that's not what it's called, but that's what I call it). They need to send a link or something to you to sign up for it. Check your old or spam email.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Is it just me or is anyone else concerned about the increasing number of third parties we have to give our banking and SSN info to in order to get paid? Paypal's been around a while. That's enough. Then there's, Tiplati and a few others that I don't know from Adam. Seems like the more entities that have our personal info, the greater chances of getting hacked/scammed/robbed.
@sestrahelena wrote:

Is it just me or is anyone else concerned about the increasing number of third parties we have to give our banking and SSN info to in order to get paid?
I remember hearing about that recent SSN breach. Which reminds me, I'm going to take a look to see if I was affected.
okie, change yer passwords..

Tipalti has my info, but for a closed bank account. I don't use pay apps, except for PayPal. the stagecoach company just started advertising a new pay app a couple weeks ago. It seems as if there are new pay apps every week, and a bunch of those payday loan apps now too. All of them scare me.. I'll stick with what I know and trust until I can't anymore.
@Morledzep Thanks, I gotta spend some time to update update passwords, go through accounts, and do inventory of everything. Not necessarily related to this, but in general. If yours got compromised, a lot of the advice is to do a credit freeze. As much as I like opening credit cards, gonna shut it down for a bit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 09:52PM by Okie.
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