Market Force

Hello and Happy Friday

I am still getting the daily E-mails from Market Force even though I have not done a shop for them in several months.

I tried to log in with my user name and Password and it would not let me..

So I click on forget shopper ID/password link and I typed in all the information that they needed and it said that I was not in their data base.

I wonder if I have been banned or since I have not done a shop in so long, I am out of the system.

I know they frown if you two accounts with them

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MarketForce sends out daily emails? That's the first I've heard of that. The only time I get emails from them is when I sign up for shops, and then a reminder a few days beforehand.

Contact the helpdesk, they should be able to tell you what's going on.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Are you sure you only have one account with them? I stopped shopping ten years ago. I started back last year, and signed up again with everybody using a new e-mail address. I didn't have any issues with anybody but Market Force. My social security number flagged in their system at some point. When I tried to log in one day, I was met with the same error. The help desk e-mail @drdoggie00 provided is who I e-mailed. They responded quickly and got it all sorted out. I reverted to my original account.
I am positive I have one account with them

I will contact them to see what it is going on smiling smiley

@Isaiah4031a wrote:

I am positive I have one account with them

I will contact them to see what it is going on smiling smiley


Also call them.
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