IVueIt photos

Does anyone else have trouble getting this app to take and save photos? I've done two jobs for them and had issues both times. The last time It got so bad that I texted their "help desk" bot and got a weird troubleshooting message that involved putting my phone in airplane mode, among other things. I finally got it to work long enough to get the needed photos but ended up spending nearly an hour on a "view" that should have taken 10 minutes.

There's a job near me that's interesting but I'm reluctant to take any more work with this MSC because of how troublesome their app is. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.

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Unfortunately their app can be very flaky at times. I've not done a job for them since last year, and one of the big reasons for that is because of the app. The app works much better when there is NOTHING else running - nothing in the background, etc. It also works better if you have a Wi-Fi connection, rather than relying on data to upload the photos.

They have updated the app since I've used it, however, from what I read on another forum, users continue to experience the same issue you have. It is true that a year ago having the phone in Airplane mode did seem to help. Again, what I read elsewhere people said that no longer works. I've not tried it recently to confirm one way or the other.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2024 06:31AM by ServiceAward.
The app is buggy as well. We've all complained but they don't seem to care to much about it. Lately it keeps bugging me to change the aspect ratio before I can take pictures. At least the assignments are usually easy...
I do their vues infrequently and haven't had any issues that I recall recently, but have in the past, like the camera not opening etc. I think there was a recent, or not so recent upgrade. Maybe you can reinstall the app.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2024 07:02PM by MsJudi.
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