Ipsos editor living in a cave?

I had a Famous Highway report kicked back twice asking me to verify my arrival time for a shop.

Everything in the report supported my selection for "am" as being accurate: departure time and 24-hour format on both receipts.

When I questioned this unusual circumstance I was told they could not tell whether it was early evening or early morning in the full site photo.


It's freaking Daylight Savings time in almost all 50 states.

Even the southernmost point in the US does not experience sundown until after 8PM, and I was waaaay north of there and my shop ended at 7:05AM.

Have synthesizers, will travel...

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That sounds like the editor that can't read 24 hour time. I believe it was a gas station shop that asked the store hours. So I put in the store hours, 05:00 - 00:00. We emailed back and forth several times before I told her to find someone who can read time and explain it to her because I was not going to change my answers. She never emailed me back and I got a 9/10 rating and got paid.
So, the editor is accusing you of either lying about the time or being too stupid to know whether you were there during morning or night? Classic (MSC name redacted) attitude.
@jgardn02 wrote:

Could be an overseas IC.

Doubtful... Anglo name at Wordsmith Pros.

Previous interactions would indicate they are domestic.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
Or has bad eyes and should not be a editor.

@sestrahelena wrote:

So, the editor is accusing you of either lying about the time or being too stupid to know whether you were there during morning or night? Classic (MSC name redacted) attitude.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2024 07:24PM by Zek.
I am reading this thread with a smile on my face....I made an error (yes, that happens!) and entered AM for my arrival and departure times on an IPSOS gas station shop, instead of PM. The editor responded in the most serious tone, telling me I was in danger of being blocked, and that the time designation would be changed (this time only, mind you!) and I would be receiving a "5" for my score on this report.
I think the editor went to a Catholic grade school with particularly nasty nuns.....
Lately, I've had shops returned to me, asking that I be even more specific for various questions, even though the guidelines say nothing to the item.
It makes me wonder if the latest batch of editors have been called on the carpet by a new supervisor.
So, I just shrug and write up additional stuff that is already spelled out in the report.
@salisburync wrote:

I am reading this thread with a smile on my face....I made an error (yes, that happens!) and entered AM for my arrival and departure times on an IPSOS gas station shop, instead of PM. The editor responded in the most serious tone, telling me I was in danger of being blocked, and that the time designation would be changed (this time only, mind you!) and I would be receiving a "5" for my score on this report.
I think the editor went to a Catholic grade school with particularly nasty nuns.....

Do you think they hit him with a ruler across the knuckles too? 9 years of Catholic school and wouldn't change it.

And all the stories are true!
Moderator Note:

Post removed for violation of Posting Guidelines, naming client and MSC in the same post/thread. Feel free to edit, removing the violation, then repost. Thank you.

Why I typically avoid the home improvement shops without a significant bonus for these reasons... there's just too much time involved for the pay, without factoring in editor interactions.

And I've run into reports with character requirements at the other end of the spectrum.

For awhile I was doing some reports with 500-character minimums for some questions, requiring me to paste my 12-character response 42 times in order to get the report to go through.

Eventually they paid attention to my screeds in the Additional Comments and fixed the issue.

Have synthesizers, will travel...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2024 04:20PM by CoolMusic.
I haven't done an IPSOS shop in over a year. But from what I've read here they started using Wordsmith.

Those editors seem to be causing a lot of issues.

I've worked for several companies where you have to abide by the guidelines set forth, or get fired. There is no wiggle room to use common sense.

And amazingly when I pointed out shortcomings. I was fired once and decided to quit another time due to the stupidity of the situation.

This appears to be what happens at Wordsmith.
@Karenhal wrote:

I recently did a [home improvement store name redacted]. The question requires 25 characters only to answer.

I received an email from editor at Wordsmith telling me to elaborate. The question ONLY permits 25 characters.

May I ask how you elaborate with this question?

I emailed the editor asking this question. NO response.

Right now I am asking myself why did I do this shop for $16.? One hour in the store, 1/2 hour typing report, time trying to amend report, and time to read and write email to editor at Wordsmith.

Your thoughts are appreciated.
I just did two of these shops. The narratives are 25 characters minimum, not maximum. I usually give 5-6 compound sentences; they've never come back wanting more.

Also, you need to edit out the client name in your post because this forum discusses MSCs, and the MSC (Ipsos) has been named in this thread.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound bossy. I'm just hangry. smiling smiley

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2024 06:44PM by drdoggie00.
Thank you for your response. I did type a narrative longer than 25 characters. Then I tried submitting the report. It would not go through. The “jump to first error” stated 25 characters only.
@Karenhal wrote:


My thoughts....the editor used up her 25 characters on her original email to you so she could not email you back.
I changed the time
I re-wrote the 25 character only commentary
Wordsmith editor gave me a 6 rating
I've worked with IPSOS for 6 years and other than the horrendously awful communication (or lack of), I've not had many problems. But this new batch of Editors they have are just...beyond. I've never had so many strange follow up questions. I just cancelled the 5 remaining shops I have for them and am going to avoid them for a while while this new cohort works themselves out...
Thank you!

I thought it was just me.

The receipt stated 2:30 PM
I typed in 2:31 PM because that is when I left the store. The 2:31 PM was incorrect I was told.
Karenhal, I had a similar argument with Trendsource. They said that the grocery shop was over at the time that was on the receipt. But there are still interactions with associates and still inside the store for sometimes several more minutes. When they started that nonsense, and that scheduler called me while I was at the checkout, I quit doing grocery shops for them. The shop ends when I'm no longer in the store, and not a minute sooner.
@Morledzep wrote:

Karenhal, I had a similar argument with Trendsource. They said that the grocery shop was over at the time that was on the receipt. But there are still interactions with associates and still inside the store for sometimes several more minutes. When they started that nonsense, and that scheduler called me while I was at the checkout, I quit doing grocery shops for them. The shop ends when I'm no longer in the store, and not a minute sooner.

I agree. To me the shop isn't over until I leave. Afterall, you're reporting on their parting comments AFTER the time on your receipt. At least the ones I do.

One minute is ridiculous but honestly, the editors have to follow a script and if anything deviates from that script, they get marked down if they try to make a common sense call on the fly.

But I wonder exactly how many Wordsmith managers look at approved shops instead of the decllined shops they want to fix and get approved?
To date, I have not been called at how I handle the time, but I start the clock ticking when I pull onto the property and stop upon my exit.
Some cave-dweller experiences:

1. An unexpectedly closed gas station for which Presto requires only a checkmark and overall photo (no comment section available) the editor emailed me, "Why was it closed?" Um, how the frick should I know? I wasn't there when the decision was made and there was obviously no one there to ask. But I patiently answered something about no reason being stated on the handwritten closed sign. Duh.

2. Lighting audit - all of the questions relate to lighting only. Not the condition of any other elements. The sign had only the price numbers. The logo and all other panels were completely gone, which made it very easy to see that every light bulb in the structure was fully lit. Editor wanted me to change my answer regarding lights because panels were missing (no answers to pick from regarding that) so I picked a random one, which is wrong, because all lights were working. Whatever.
Ok, that's it. I'm starting a new email folder called, "Inane editor returns." I'm going to collect them like flippin' Beanie Babies and maybe even print them out and wallpaper a room.
@sestrahelena wrote:

Ok, that's it. I'm starting a new email folder called, "Inane editor returns." I'm going to collect them like flippin' Beanie Babies and maybe even print them out and wallpaper a room.
sestrahelena "keeping receipts", proving all of the haters wrong! you go girl.
I know exactly which editor this is, and she is a nightmare. I hope she moves along to a new job soon. They can't be happy with her performance, with so many shops being returned which slows their whole machine down. And I've noticed all the gas station shops on Presto in my area are now sitting and getting highly bonused because I, and my two known fellow shoppers in the area, are now refusing to do them since this person is editing them. She is costing them a bundle...which at some point I put squarely on IPSOS leadership as no one seems to be paying attention to what she is doing or coaching her to improve.

@sestrahelena wrote:

Some cave-dweller experiences:

1. An unexpectedly closed gas station for which Presto requires only a checkmark and overall photo (no comment section available) the editor emailed me, "Why was it closed?" Um, how the frick should I know? I wasn't there when the decision was made and there was obviously no one there to ask. But I patiently answered something about no reason being stated on the handwritten closed sign. Duh.

2. Lighting audit - all of the questions relate to lighting only. Not the condition of any other elements. The sign had only the price numbers. The logo and all other panels were completely gone, which made it very easy to see that every light bulb in the structure was fully lit. Editor wanted me to change my answer regarding lights because panels were missing (no answers to pick from regarding that) so I picked a random one, which is wrong, because all lights were working. Whatever.
Thank you. I have done mystery shopping for about 30 as a supplemental income.

My ratings are generally 9 to 10. I take pride in doing the work in a timely manner with an eye for detail.

This editor or editors at the MSC being discussed having me doubting my proficiency.

I truly appreciate all of your comments. For right now I will be taking a hiatus from this company. My paypal account has been compromised several times after getting a deposit from them.

In my opinion, too much hassle.
@Karenhal wrote:

My ratings are generally 9 to 10. I take pride in doing the work in a timely manner with an eye for detail.
When I first started with this MSC, for the longest time, I received 9's for the fast-food/QSR shops. Nothing in addition to the feedback on how to get a 10. It didn't seem to matter though. Same with Confero when I used to do shops with them. But when I read some old threads, it seemed like that was the norm.
Karen posts regarding Ipsos--In my opinion, too much hassle.

Bob agrees--That is exactly why I terminated the company. They have a solitary benefit, rapid payment, that is irrelevant to me.
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