shopper beware

have done a few shops in the past for sinclair shoppers corner and decided they were so slow pay i wouldnt do any more,recieved a request from the scheduler to help him out with s shop 20 milws away ,had to be done the folling day this was done 5/13/11 report completed same day as of 7/26/11 had not been paid requested input from the scheduler .he eventully got back to me and informed me that shop was never submitted Ido have documentation to support this but decided would rather lose the $14 and get everone informed of the scam going on with this co .Would rather lose $14 now as $50 after three or four shops Have done my last BEWARE

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It's been awhile since I've done a job for Sinclair, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Don't you get a confirmation number when your shop is successfully submitted? If so, did you write it down? I've never had any trouble with pay for them.
I too have never had problems with payment from them. I used to have to watch them very closely when I emailed in receipts because sometimes they claimed not to have received them. Now that I can upload to the web site, there is no problem.
I've had no problem getting payment from Sinclair. Calling them out on a 'scam' is pretty strong language. If you have documentation to support that you submitted the shop, why haven't you appealed the refusal to pay? Something just doesn't add up.
I've had nothing but pleasant experiences with Sinclair. You are able to track your shop through their site to see when it was submitted, when you will be paid, when you were paid, etc. Plus, like Karen said, you get a confirmation number atfer you submit your report. Something sounds a little fishy with the OP's statement.
Ditto to the others who have never had a problem. They are not the highest or quickest paying company, but I have never had an issue.
I used to work quite a bit for them, but not lately...they are not a scam, perhaps a misunderstanding or report did not submit properly, aways important to write down confirmation #.

Live consciously....
Sinclair is definately not a scam. They do have a way to check if you shops have been accepted. When you log on you click on my shops and you will find shop history/Receipt Status you can see if the sjop was ever received by them. Go Back to my shops and click pay history and you can see when your shop was paid or when it will be. I thinhk you should check thse out before making statements that are basically false.
I've done quite a few shops for them and never a problem with pay. They aren't fast payers. But they pay when they are suppose to.
I have been with Sinclair for the past three months, and so far, I have not had any problems. I am able to confirm that my reports and receipts have gone through. Yes, they are slow in paying, but I knew that going in.
I received a check yesterday for a shop I completed 6/30 - reminded me of this thread. I don't even consider that to be a slow paying company.
I also received a check from them yesterday for shops completed in June. I believe their policy on pay is clearly stated on their website. IIRC they pay the fourth week of the month for shops completed the previous month.
I got my check yesterday for a shop I did on 6/13/2011. I have never had a problem with Sinclair. My scheduler is a very good person who will tyr to help you in any way he can.
I have never had a problem with Sinclair and they are actually on my top 5 list of MSP's to work for.
Sinclair has always been good to me. They pay on time and well. No complaints here.
After 38 shops , I'm having a problem with Sinclair. I've uploaded the receipt for an April 7 shop at least five times but it's not being recognized. The shop has a confirmation number.
I realized that something's up when I didn't get paid in the 5/31 issued check. So I'll call tomorrow and will let you know the outcome.

I find their computer system fussy if not fragile. I've had to completely reenter several shops. Otherwise, pretty good company.
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