So I had been assigned a shop at one establishment for different dining periods (weekend brunch vs weekday dinner).
Something happened in the system, where I got an email telling me to confirm an assignment. I logged in and noticed one of my shops was missing. The one that they were telling me to confirm was back in my account, but it looks like they changed the reimbursement amount to $25 less than before.
Anyway, I emailed about the missing shop and reapplied for it since it was back on the board.
After several emails, they told me that they were just updating the form. They did not mention the decrease in reimbursment.
I asked when the other shop would be reassigned. The response was that it had been given back to me.
I mentioned that it had not. She then told me that I was only allowed to have one.
I made the mistake of telling her I had done the brunch before and asked to do the dinner one instead.
She then told me she had to take away the brunch as well claiming that we are only allowed to do one location every 12 months.
I must have missed this since I can not find it anywhere on the shop log. Is it true? Are we only allowed one location a year?
I really would have liked better communication from Coyle. This isnt the first time assigned shops have mysteriously disappeared from my inbox.
Ive also noticed that the reimbursement amounts have not been fully reimbursed (usually only by a dollar or two). I don't bother contacting them ahout the minor change, but one was around $20 short. I emailed and they said they fixed it, but this hasn't been confidence building, especially considering we aren't making money on these evaluations.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2024 07:34PM by MHN.