Office Supply Shops

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I believe I saw them the other day, but there were certainly none left today. They go fast.
Arch Stanton Wrote:
> One of their large office supply chains ( not
> Staples) went out of business...

Well now you have me curious because I have only done two different large office supply chains for them and neither of them have gone out of business (unless it happened this morning while I wasn't paying attention).

There are still some in the DC area. For $9 you need to do 3 interactions and spend up to $25 on copies you will just trash.
I was just on their board and saw that about 60 miles from me there's still an Office Supply of the $7/$2 variety available. That is what has been available here all along. I guess different areas of the country have different shops. The
CORRECTION TO MY POST ABOVE: That office supply chain probably only closed a few stores here and there, not the entire chain as I assumed...
Haven't done any more office supply stores since the kid tried to sell me a computer out of his car that he'd stolen from the back room. Then he gave his name and phone number to the mystery shopper so we could meet up later! Righhhhhttttttt!

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
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