Supermarkets need to learn a few things about service from Trader Joe's.
If you've done grocery shops, you know the question about asking a random employee the location of something. Today a supermarket stock clerk with some kind of electronic device (Ipod?) wired into his ear sent me to the wrong end of the store.
I asked about pineapple salsa at TJ's this week, and the clerk stopped what he was doing and guided me to it. I compared notes with another customer outside, and she said it had happened to her, too. She had said to him, "No, don't stop what you're doing, just give me the aisle number." He insisted.
The cashiers always ask me if I've found everything. One day I said no, I hadn't seen tilapia fillets, and the manager came over, looked it up on his delivery list, and told me they were due Wednesday. When the soy nuggets were missing from the freezer case, a clerk restocked the freezer for me.
I had a tough time spending my required $10 at my supermarket shop today. I buy most of my food at Trader Joe's, and my produce at a local fruit store.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2008 03:11AM by sneakers.