Did anyone notice the new “fine print”? It’s after the sentence about letting shops “fall off”. It now says this will be a flake citation!!!

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Where are you seeing that, cease?

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
On the actual job description. It really irks me, as every time I have a question on a job and email them, I get “advised” to let the job drop off. Now there’s a penalty for that!
I don't currently have any open jobs, but when I go back and view the ones that are still in completed status (black and white bear, and baby blue strip design/black and red star), I don't see anything about citations, only that excessive flaking could lead to removal from the program.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I read that too.. I don't remember where though. It said that we can adjust the dates one time and if we let it drop off we'll get a 1 and/or a flake citation. I don't understand how that can work with Ishopfirst, because we don't have anyone to contact if we have a problem.

I also don't have any currently assigned shops, that I can conveniently go and look at. I do have several recent guidelines saved for a few shops, but maybe not recent enough.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2024 03:02AM by Morledzep.
This could just be blowing smoke. They recently said shops not completed by midnight would fall off immediately, but I've been told that's not happening. Has anybody tried to immediately reclaim a shop to test the "24-hour cooling off" limit?

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
nope, haven't tried. I saw that 24 cooling off period mentioned too. I know there is for Presto, but that's not news. Everything is at base pay currently. Looks as if all I'm doing for the next few weeks is grocery shops.
At least you've got that, Morl. I've got nothing over here unless I want to head out of town or act like I can't wait for the new foldable cell phone to come out. -lol-

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
A little birdie told me they reclaimed a dropped shop in Sassie without waiting 24 hours. Either this new stuff is a pile of something you step in, or it hasn't been implemented yet/correctly.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I tried to reclaim a Presto shop within 24 hours. It didn’t work; I just got a window explaining since I let it drop, it was 24 hours before I could claim. This was a blue-pin shop.

The flake citation note was on an IPSOS SASSIE shop. Pink pin on Presto map. I’m gonna go check the wording right now.
I looked. The guidelines for the blue pin shops were written before July 1, the guidelines that mention the flake citation were written more recently. You know what happens when one “ assumes”, so I’m not assuming anything; but I’m defintely gonna be looking for the flake wording going forward, to see if it is trending that way.
Was this for one of the gas station audit shops? Because as you guys have said, we have no way of getting any help for a while if we need it. Just wondering.
I had several Famous Highways drop off my board. No flake citations...

Have synthesizers, will travel...
This what I read:

"Eligible shoppers can self-assign and adjust their shop date independently one time. All reports are due by midnight on the day of your assignment. Shops not submitted on time will automatically fall off your assignment list. These count as flake citations. Please plan accordingly"
Yes, gas station audit, revealed. NOT “I shop first”, something like “excellence in action”.
I guess there's a reason why their scores on review sites - such as glassdoor, trustpilot, BBB - are in the 1-2 range (out of 5). Sadly, many of those reviews are quite poorly written or translated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2024 04:29PM by sestrahelena.
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