Mystery Shoppers

These are ALL scams, dont fall for them. I tried one of them to see if they were ligit. THEY ARE SCAMMERS!!! They sometimes send you huge sums of money on a Postal Money Order which look soooo real but are FAKE. The head postmaster where I took mine to see if it was real, she said it was anabsolute fake. She also said that it was one of the best fake money orders shes ever seen.But fake.
Dont fall for these scams. I didnt react with the mystery shoppers I did my homework.
Be careful out there. Especially when it comes to giving anykind of info to them. Trust me, all of these mystery shopper companies are SCAMMERS Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it DEFINATELY is.

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Where do you get your information from that all MSC's are SCAMMERS. Check with the Better Business Bureau online and see most of them are very reputable. I am signed up with over 100 companies. I do work for a lot of them and they are not SCAMMERS as you say. Next time before you make a statement like that do your homework.
The more people who think they are all scams, the fewer to compete for jobs with in the field.

(And anyone who accepts a money order, cashes it, and send the money to someone else deserves what happens. Darwin said so.)
I agree. Its part of the natural selection process...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Deejaie Wrote:
> These are ALL scams, dont fall for them. I tried
> one of them to see if they were ligit. THEY ARE
> SCAMMERS!!! They sometimes send you huge sums of
> money on a Postal Money Order which look soooo
> real but are FAKE. The head postmaster where I
> took mine to see if it was real, she said it was
> anabsolute fake. She also said that it was one of
> the best fake money orders shes ever seen.But
> fake.
> Dont fall for these scams. I didnt react with the
> mystery shoppers I did my homework.
> Be careful out there. Especially when it comes to
> giving anykind of info to them. Trust me, all of
> these mystery shopper companies are SCAMMERS
> Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it

If someone were to "trust you" on this, they'd be wrong, as are you. TRUE, the scenarios of which you speak are scams, but there are plenty of legitimate companies out there. If you had really "done your homework" you would know that.

To any new shoppers, the way to do it is to SIGN UP. There is an extensive list of legitimate companies on this website. Especially when you're new, be suspicious of ANY type of recruitment via email. Sometimes companies do share databases and there are "reach outs" via sites like JobSlinger, but if you haven't registered, there's no way they would have your email. And again, if you receive a check to cash, or an offer to receive one, as Deejaie said, it's a scam. Be careful -- very often, scammers "borrow" the names of legitimate companies to perpetuate their scams.
Deejaie - Think of the mystery shopping business as a big bag of peanuts. In the bag, there are three bad peanuts. You got one. I'm sorry. Please don't gag and die on your peanut. Spit it out. Most of the peanuts are really good, and you may want to try again. Or not. Your choice.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
heartlandcanuck Wrote:
> (And anyone who accepts a money order, cashes it,
> and send the money to someone else deserves what
> happens. Darwin said so.)

I have to agree, there.
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