Payments from Elite CSX

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@shopnyc wrote:

I don't understand how so many of you have numerous unpaid shops outstanding.
That’s a good policy. From reading both threads fully though, it sounds like some shoppers affected were existing shoppers who had been paid before, but the payment issues started sometime when the payment migration happened. - I’m not sure.

For me, I was just lazy. I didn’t check my payments until I saw this thread.

I officially have a pending payment as of this morning.

In my many years of mystery shopping and consumer research I've never not been paid in a timely manner like this. I have no doubt Elite CXS will no longer operate in the coming months. I urge you all to report to the FTC if you are experiencing similar issues with payment and communication. It's the only thing that actually triggered some action.
Good news Momtreal!

@laloweryshops Did you ever get paid?

When I get a chance, I need to revisit this and get on it. I have a gut feeling too, they're about to go under.
I agree with the above strategy; however, I completed approximately 50 shops for Elite CXS in both 2022 and 2023 with no payment issues. I have worked with the scheduler since 2012 (with other MSCs she was scheduling for) with no issues.

Payment problems started in 2024. Out of the $1 K outstanding, I was paid about a half of the amount about a month ago, still waiting for the rest.

Do I believe a story about a payment system migration issues? 10% probability. Even if it was real, the issue was handled unprofessionally and not proactively.
@MMMM wrote:

Do I believe a story about a payment system migration issues? 10% probability. Even if it was real, the issue was handled unprofessionally and not proactively.
I agree, they have no regard to timeliness or communicating updates.
I have worked with the company for many years and have never had any kind of negative issues, payment or otherwise. It's been the opposite, in fact. It's a complete surprise to me.
@Okie Unfortunately, no, I have not yet been paid. And my most recent email to them did not receive a reply. I will try again...I am encouraged to hear that Momtreal did. But geez, this whole experience has been tiresome.
@laloweryshops wrote:

@Okie Unfortunately, no, I have not yet been paid. And my most recent email to them did not receive a reply. I will try again...I am encouraged to hear that Momtreal did. But geez, this whole experience has been tiresome.

I sent countless emails with no response prior to finding this forum. It wasn't until (I assume) they received my FTC complaint naming both David and Marguerite that anything actually moved forward.

I highly encourage you to file and let them know you did. I suspect they know what's coming.
I have some news - after reading this thread this morning (and posting my update), I sent this email to them:
Dear David and Marguerite,

I am following up again to check on the status of the payment. Marguerite said that it was supposed to go out at the end of August, but I did not receive it. I also did not hear back from my email last week. I have been advised by fellow mystery shoppers to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission as well as the Florida Attorney General's Office, but I truly do not want to resort to that. I am hopeful that I can receive a response to this email by the end of this week, and be paid by next week.

Please let me know if there is anything further that I should do to receive payment, and when it will likely go through. Thank you so much!
And within two minutes, I received this email from Marguerite:

Your payment was processed yesterday. You should see it in your account in the next day or two.

I will keep you posted as to whether it actually goes through. I'm hoping it does!
This is awesome. I still cannot believe the unprofessional replies from both of them. I can't imagine the CEO of my company ever communicating to internal employees with such disrespect let alone clients. It's mind boggling.
Update! I finally received the money in my bank account today! $350! Woo hoo! I emailed them every week for the last 5 weeks. In the last email, I gently threatened contacting the FTC and BBB, as others had suggested in this and other thread. (I had done the two shops in March.)

I want to thank everyone on here who participated in this discussion. It definitely helped me to have this resource and learn what possibly might help. For those who still are waiting - keep trying! Good luck in getting your money, and we will ALL avoid shopping for this company ever again.
I echo layloweryshops sentiments! I just got paid $253 for shops I did in March and April. I filed a complaint with the FTC and the Florida Attorney General. Not sure if that’s what did it or an email I sent to Michelle responding to shop requests saying ”…how about paying me for shops I already did for your company before you ask me to do more shops that I won’t get paid for!…

Don’t give up!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/2024 02:35PM by Reeree1967.
This thread has been so quiet. Were all of you paid in exchange to hush? So who was paid? Do you recommend shopping for Elite CXS now?
@Madetoshop wrote:

This thread has been so quiet. Were all of you paid in exchange to hush? So who was paid? Do you recommend shopping for Elite CXS now?

I was finally paid from a job in early May. I would not recommend this company ever ever EVER. I wish I had never done the job at all.
Bestmark claimed "payment system migration" errors for the 9 months they weren't paying people. Then they were bought by CX, and suddenly payments started going out on time.

Payment System Migration seems to be Greek for "We ain't got no cash".

As someone in the software industry I find this "system migration" excuse to be especially laughable. System issues that last longer than a few hours are a nightmare for companies. They don't, under any circumstances, last for months on end. That is just not how any of this works!

@MMMM wrote:

I agree with the above strategy; however, I completed approximately 50 shops for Elite CXS in both 2022 and 2023 with no payment issues. I have worked with the scheduler since 2012 (with other MSCs she was scheduling for) with no issues.

Payment problems started in 2024. Out of the $1 K outstanding, I was paid about a half of the amount about a month ago, still waiting for the rest.

Do I believe a story about a payment system migration issues? 10% probability. Even if it was real, the issue was handled unprofessionally and not proactively.
I still have to circle back on this. But I was just glad laloweryshops got paid. I think out of all of us, he was the most patient. I usually don't like to fire MSCs like shopperbob, but I've made a list now. I'm still owed for $20 from BestMark for a shop attempt, but I don't know if it's worth pursuing.

Elite CXS - Lack of business ethics
BestMark - Lack of business ethics
HS Brands Global - Overall, not appealing to me
Intouch Insight - Refuse to work with specific schedulers / project leads

Edited to add: Regarding HS Brands, fire wasn't the right word. But no shops that make sense for me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2024 08:07PM by Okie.
okie comments--I usually don't like to fire MSCs like shopperbob, but I've made a list now.

Bob opines--I only take that action as a last resort.
Hello to all mystery shoppers. I started this thread and was surprised at how many responses there have been about this terrible company trying to screw us all out of our money and taking the clients money. After more than six months of continually badgering them (Elite) I am pleased to say that they finally paid me. It was a battle that I feel you all should fight.
The final comment on this company is to get your money and STOP working for them...they should not be on any list of companies and we should all stick together and avoid them. I have spoken to the companies that I worked for and originally was not paid and they have both chosen other companies to work their clients can now list and we will be able to continue with those companies.
Good luck to all and keep the information flowing!
Just an update - I was just looking at my bank account, and Elite CXS did pay me what I was owed on 9/16/2024. However, I had no correspondence with them over a month, and they never provided me with a response. Also during that time, I did not pursue any further action.

The client that the shop was for, is aware of the issue.
@Okie So glad to hear you finally got paid too! Woo hoo! (by the way, I do not work much for HS Brands either, except I will say I really enjoyed a nice casino shop with them once, especially since they let me keep my winnings - up to a point)

@22172 THANK YOU again for starting this thread! I am so pleased you did so, and I am even happier to hear that you finally got paid as well. I second your suggestion that NONE OF US work for Elite again!

And I agree that if anyone reads this still hasn't been paid, just keep fighting, if you have the energy to do so.

Thanks again for everyone's help, advice, and support.
@laloweryshops wrote:

@Okie So glad to hear you finally got paid too! Woo hoo! (by the way, I do not work much for HS Brands either, except I will say I really enjoyed a nice casino shop with them once, especially since they let me keep my winnings - up to a point)
Thanks! I was not expecting it at all, and came across it by accident when looking at my bank account. It was most likely due to and a result of everyone's recent efforts here. Thanks everyone. Hopefully, everyone got paid. I can't believe how much time has passed since actually doing the shop.
Somebody's been reading the forum in my area. Or has already lived the nightmare. 31 bank jobs in my radius (many are the same locations but different scenarios) re-posted today and every one says DUE IMMEDIATELY in red ink. They've been sitting on the board for months.
Yikes, the shops are still getting filled in my area! I do miss one shop though.

But can confirm this thread is being read by both shoppers and MSCs. Had some reach out in a positive way.
It makes me wonder whether an untrustworthy MS company should have access to bank account numbers...
Just to add, thinking about it some, without knowing anything for certain, I'm guessing as others had mentioned previously, this was most likely a mismanagement of funds. Most of their shops, at least in my area, were larger reimbursement shops. I received another one of their emails recently, and I'm still able to login to their site.

If I sent an email asking to be deactivated and removed, I'm not sure if they would remove my personal information or respond. I decided to just block the emails and remove the bookmark to their login page! I was a little peeved recently when I passed by one of their clients. I have no issue with the client though.
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