That’s a good policy. From reading both threads fully though, it sounds like some shoppers affected were existing shoppers who had been paid before, but the payment issues started sometime when the payment migration happened. - I’m not sure.@shopnyc wrote:
I don't understand how so many of you have numerous unpaid shops outstanding.
I agree, they have no regard to timeliness or communicating updates.@MMMM wrote:
Do I believe a story about a payment system migration issues? 10% probability. Even if it was real, the issue was handled unprofessionally and not proactively.
@laloweryshops wrote:
@Okie Unfortunately, no, I have not yet been paid. And my most recent email to them did not receive a reply. I will try again...I am encouraged to hear that Momtreal did. But geez, this whole experience has been tiresome.
@Madetoshop wrote:
This thread has been so quiet. Were all of you paid in exchange to hush? So who was paid? Do you recommend shopping for Elite CXS now?
@MMMM wrote:
I agree with the above strategy; however, I completed approximately 50 shops for Elite CXS in both 2022 and 2023 with no payment issues. I have worked with the scheduler since 2012 (with other MSCs she was scheduling for) with no issues.
Payment problems started in 2024. Out of the $1 K outstanding, I was paid about a half of the amount about a month ago, still waiting for the rest.
Do I believe a story about a payment system migration issues? 10% probability. Even if it was real, the issue was handled unprofessionally and not proactively.
Thanks! I was not expecting it at all, and came across it by accident when looking at my bank account. It was most likely due to and a result of everyone's recent efforts here. Thanks everyone. Hopefully, everyone got paid. I can't believe how much time has passed since actually doing the shop.@laloweryshops wrote:
@Okie So glad to hear you finally got paid too! Woo hoo! (by the way, I do not work much for HS Brands either, except I will say I really enjoyed a nice casino shop with them once, especially since they let me keep my winnings - up to a point)