Low fee's are driving me nuts!

I love working with several great companies, but lately asking me to drive over 100 miles for a $10 fee is driving me nuts. Things are expensive, gas, tires, auto repairs are ridiculous and I'm feeling insulted that not one but mutiple companies have reached out to me offering ridiculously low fee's or only reimbursements to drive a long way. At one time when gas was cheap I would make it a route and do mutiple locations, but today there is less work and they are paying less money and I think it's sad. Yes, occasionally there is a rockstar shop that pays really really well, but to me those are few and far between now and I think it's sad.

What are you favorite companies to work with?

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Pie inquires--What are you favorite companies to work with?

Bob replies--Curinos AKA Informa--Earlier this month, I completed eight online interest rate shops for $280. These entailed soft credit pulls with none in the slightest affecting my scores. They have work for shoppers with varied credit. In addition, they also offer iPhone work, but I miserably failed three attempts. While I am computer literate, as to SmartPhones, I am akin to a box of rocks.

Intelli-shop--As with all aspects of business, it is a matter of what floats one's boat. This company pays on schedule and has some shops with a favorable work:pay ratio.

2nd 2 None--I use their grocery shops to defray travel expenses. Pay is on schedule and the report is a favorite among narrative averse folks.
I work with both of the ones that you mentioned and I have no problem with them. They are usually really fair and are definitely willing to work with people. Some of the ones that I have noticed especially offering really low fees are the one's posting with presto and others like market Force. Occasionally you'll find some decent ones on Alta 360, but those are not nearly as good as they used to be. Ipsos I don't even bother with anymore because they never return messages. I will send them an email inquiring about application and I won't get anything back.
I think it's a good idea to just apply to as many MSCs as you can. Even if they don't have many shops in your area, or any at all, they might in the future.

Some of my favorites when I lived in New York don't have any shops where I live now, and I've had to adapt. I'd say that I mostly shop for AthPower, Secret Shopper, and Intelli-shop these days, with a few others sprinkled in wherever possible, but unfortunately I don't have the wide array of shops and MSCs to choose from that I had while living in a major city.

However, one good thing about not being in a big city anymore is I have less competition and am more able to wait until the end of the month for higher fees.

Last year and the year before, I was doing a lot more phone shops. Those are great to do in the winter because I don't have to leave my apartment and drive in snow, and I could do those for companies that don't have in-person shops where I live. But I hardly see any phone shops anywhere nowadays. Not for the minimum pay I'll accept, anyway.

OP, I recommend you check out the spreadsheet of companies that this forum hosts and apply, apply, apply.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2024 10:18PM by shopnyc.
Sound like you have some experience. I am new to this. Is there a specific company that does Fast Food Drive Through Shops? I want to do those because they are easy and convenient and I can give the food to someone in need.
@jwhenry704. I know Marketforce has fast food shops. If you give the food to someone while kind there will be little to nothing left to put in your pocket. They pay barely above reimbursement.
Well with some of them I can get salads if that is allowed to order. I just need to maintain my health. l live in a major metro area, so there is a fast food joint on every corner. So I really don't have to drive far. Like Five Guys I won't do theirs for under 15 because they are spread out more. I also consider the ones on my route to work, gym etc.
shopNYC shares--Even if they don't have many shops in your area, or any at all, they might in the future.

Bob comments--Last month, I received a shop offer from a completely unknown MSC. As I would be a few blocks away, I accepted $40 to snap some property pics. After submission, I was clearing out my secondary external drive when I noticed the company's name. I had signed up in 2006, 18 yrs. ago, but had neither ever heard a peep nor seen the name in all those yrs.

There were three reason I took the plunge: $40 for some pics, I would be very near and they are a Canadian MSC.
Unfortunately, around 70% of shops in my area are "owned" by Ipsos. 90% If I'm only counting shops that I can/will do. So, although I would choose almost any other company as a favorite, I'm stuck with the worstest by default.
People who use apostrophes to make plurals drive me nuts!

I feel for your editors...

Have synthesizers, will travel...
InTouch has or had one fast food where you could order salad. That's the only one I've seen. I'm in Alberta, and I don't know how widespread that chain is.
@jwhenry704 wrote:

Well with some of them I can get salads if that is allowed to order. I just need to maintain my health. l live in a major metro area, so there is a fast food joint on every corner. So I really don't have to drive far. Like Five Guys I won't do theirs for under 15 because they are spread out more. I also consider the ones on my route to work, gym etc.
I have not seen a drive thru shop where you can get a salad. The are salad restaurants that get shopped (Chop Stop) but they are regional. The majority of people in the drive thru (and in-store) get a burger (or sandwich), fries and a drink, so that's generally what they are concerned with.
Here's a good one! Field Agent posted a mobile device audit today. 40 pictures, 40 questions for $3 pay! Yippee!
That’s why I don’t fool with field Agent. They have always had low fees. I deleted that app off my phone months ago. I don’t even want to see their nonsense. If we all stop doing their jobs they’ll be forced to increase their pay.
Sadly someone will do that job so they’ll continue to get away with paying so little.
In my opinion, Every job should pay at minimum $12. Gas is too expensive to be running around for that amount. $3 won’t even buy a gallon of gas in some places. That job needs to sit until they get some sense in how to pay folk fairly.
@jwhenry704 wrote:

Sound like you have some experience. I am new to this. Is there a specific company that does Fast Food Drive Through Shops? I want to do those because they are easy and convenient and I can give the food to someone in need.

@jwhenry704 I understand that you want to do something kind, but you are supposed to consume the food, at least some of the main entree which is usually a burger, fries, and the drink and provide evaluations on it.

How are you going to evaluate a burger for freshness, presentation, and taste if you simply turn it over to a stranger in need? Submitting a report like that doesn't really help anyone and is detrimental to the data you are providing since you would have to lie about aspects of the food and shop. That simply hurts everyone else that is supplying legitimate information by actually tasting the food.

Some of these shops have certain requirements of what you need to buy and although a salad may be on the menu, you have to purchase approved items from a list.

If you want to do something nice for someone else, you should do it on your own nickel and own time.

Maybe I am wrong, but if you plan on doing what you write here, why not reach out to the MSCs that have a fast food shop and ask if that is ok first.

I agree with you that we should not do these Field Agent jobs and then they will have to raise their fees.
Re: Field Agent. I will gladly do some of their easy shops. I like the house ones with photos if they're on a route where I'm going. Last month when MS pickings were slim, I picked up nearly $200 worth of FA jobs. They seemed to pop up at different times of the day with increased fees. There were many stores in my neighborhood area. They randomly disappeared and returned later. It was weird, but I was able to do several for $18 each and would do them again in a heart beat. They also had some quick 1 photo in the store shops that paid $5. If I'm nearby, I'll do it. They pay quickly as well. You just need to keep an eye on their app. With that being said, if I'm busy with MS shops, I don't have the time or desire to check frequently, but will randomly check while I'm killing time between shops and have been pleasantly surprised many times. Today, the $18 jobs are showing for $6, so not doing that, but I will keep my eyes peeled. So, I think the site is much better than say Mobee or some other apps.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
It depends on what is asked in the shop. For example, 5 guys they ask you to taste the food so I do. Some shops don’t ask you to taste the food. They ask me to measure drive thru time, count cars in front, see if they try to upsell me. And take a picture of the food. My integrity level is second to none. I read the questionnaire before I go so I know what is expected and I act accordingly. But thanks for your advice.
Many of the people holding up signs at intersections will not accept a gift of food. They want cash to buy other things.
Sounds like you have had some good luck with field agent in your area. Most of the ones in my area are under $10 and because I’m in a major metro area, I guess more folk are willing to do them so they get done for 6 bucks. I messed with field agent for 6 months and never saw anything over $10 bucks. Some requiring too much work. But you are correct, they are way more than mobee. It’s a complete waste in my opinion . I may look back at field agent just to monitor
Yea those are not the folk I’m referring to, Many of those are panhandlers. I give to real homeless folk in the community.
The only thing I do on Field Agent is their product reviews. You have to grab them fast, but they are pretty good - its usually $3-5 pay plus full reimbursement for things like large bottles of detergent, sunscreen, bug spray, air mattresses, air filters, air freshener. Stuff I am at Target buying anyway, so its always nice when it works out to get it for free.

Otherwise, agree 100% - FA's 'regular' jobs are complete and total $$ joke.
@CoolMusic wrote:

People who use apostrophes to make plurals drive me nuts!

I feel for your editors...

Oh, thank you so much for pointing out their tiny mistake! I was really worried their life was too easy and stress-free. Your vigilance is truly a gift to humanity.
I saw one the other day who paid in a gift card from the restaurant. That is great but I need money more than a gift card to a restaurant, especially one that the only reason I am going to is because it is a job.
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