Companies with jobs in NC

Does anyone know which companies offer a lot of jobs in NC, specifically, Greensboro? I've spent a few hours signing up for different companies, completing their tests, and giving all of my personal information, only to find they have no jobs in my area.

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vbriggs, if you haven't registered with JobSlinger, I encourage you to do so. The free portion of their site is all that is needed. Just starting out, their site will enable you to see the type of shops available in your area, and which MSP shops them. If you are not registered with these MSPs, do so, then watch their boards for shops going forward. After that, register with every MSP you can find.
I am registered with all of the JobSlinger companies. I shop North Carolina a coule of times a year and never have a shortage of work. Just register with a lot of companies and then check the listing each day until you find the kind of jobs that you enjoy.
I found Nimble Support Services has jobs in NC. They send them out via email, not on their job board.
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