First Customer Optix shop...

Did an impressive coffee/bakery visit in our local Chinatown mall getup.

Wound up filing the report from my phone while I was hanging around checking out the other shops and eateries. Used to live across the street for 5 years, but never visited. I'll be back... there's a place with a short rib noodle dish I must have.

Anyhoo... the CO process was super smooth.

They present a nice, clean look online, and the data seems to auto-save. There does not appear to be a save function as you go through the pages. I had to reconnect when my phone acted up, and the previous data was still there, and I was not expecting it to be.

I'll gladly continue shopping on the platform...

Have synthesizers, will travel...

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I've done a number of shops with them. The shops in my area are all small business. It's not too bad, but some narratives are required. Depending on the client and shop type, it can get a little lengthy.

The only issues I've had is that the rotation rules were not clearly stated at first for one client. Also for another client, the shop was written for first-time customers, but later updated to include repeat customers. Aside from that, I see it as a nice treat every once in a while.
Minimal narratives on this one. Combined with high quality products made this one enjoyable and desirable.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
For me, the site still says "We just launched" as it has for years and to keep checking back. But my area doesn't have the variety of clients that some areas do.
Login is here: []

You will be prompted to login with your Intellishop username/password. Very cool dashboard once you login, although sadly no projects in my area.
Oh, it's just crappy intellishop/intouch . I thought it was a new company I had never heard of. I thought they were only using ISS but it looks they have different shops alas too far from me.Thanks.
Anyone know how to expand the radius / mileage searched on their site? Or check other zip codes? Thanks!
Change your Intellishop profile? Just a guess.
@jewel1233 wrote:

Anyone know how to expand the radius / mileage searched on their site? Or check other zip codes? Thanks!
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