How to cancel a shop on Intellishop

I mistakenly clicked on a shop location on Tuesday. I sent an e-mail within seconds through the platform regarding my error and asked to cancel the shop. I also sent an e-mail directly to the scheduler. I re-sent an e-mail through the platform on both Wednesday and Thursday to cancel the shop, but still no luck removing it from my Shop Log. Does anyone know if the shop will just "fall off" since I can not complete it? Thank you!

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I’ve never heard of IntelliShop having that feature. It’s weird that you didn’t receive a response; most of their schedulers are top-notch.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Its very odd they didn't respond. Maybe the scheduler is OOO. I'd suggest forwarding the email trail to as that goes to a distro list of their schedulers and coordinators. I'm sure someone from that group will respond to you.
@amberng wrote:

canceled one today.

went into the job, hit CONTACT and I canceled the shop.

You mean you sent an e-mail and asked the shop to be cancelled. That does not automatically cancel the shop. A human must read the e-mail, then remove the shop from your shop log. The OP stated they had already done that, but the shop had not been removed, likely because the scheduler was out of the office.
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