
Anyone else notice how Maritz has changed ,I have worked for them for over 3 years and they used to be one of my favorite companies,but they seem to have lost a lot of employees and I have noticed they don't have as many jobs as they used to have.They have never been the greatest pay,but at least they do pay on time.Oh well,I will still work for them.I'm just curious as to what has happened,I have a feeling they don't pay their in-house workers(schedulers)very well either, so that's probably why they have such a high turnover.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2011 01:13AM by txguitar.

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I agree. They have changed. I now have to wait until friday afternoons for certain assignments. The few employees they have left - they don't trust...;p

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
I also agree. Everytime I talk to someone it is someone I never talked to before. They used to work to get the open shops off the board to end the current cycle. Now they just let them sit there.

I will stay with them but I miss some of the folks I used to talk with.
they have lost a lot of the blue bank business to other companies. I'd really like to know what happened to their 5 minute shops in my market
They still have the blue bank jobs, both the 10 min and 5 min,I just talked to one of the team members ,one that has actually been there for many years and was told they'll be coming around again very soon.So maybe they will come around in your market again.They are offering incentives for the 10 min shops in my area, unfortunately none are close enough to be worth it.

Good luck !!
I wouldn't know, I signed up with them several months ago and immediately picked up a Gas Station audit, but ended up having to canel it due to a family emergency. Sent several e-mails and left voicemails days before shop was due, only e-mail response I got was to tell me I had be deactivated as a shopper.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
Brak, you aren't alone.

I picked up a gas shop and flunked the test (couldn't see it) two days before the shop. I called and called, spent time on hold, called again, held, called back.... I left a voice mail and emailed and got no response. Called again a couple days later, left a message. Called again and found out that it was assumed I had flaked. I was taken off the project and no one will discuss it with me. So I sent a snail mail, in case messages did not get through.... no response.

Last Friday I got a call from Maritz from a different project team. Did I want to drive three hours each direction for a shop? No? Would I consider a lone shop that is only 90 minutes away?

Okay, I say, and name the price. I explain that I used to build routes with the other gas shops, and tried to explain my story to her. She abruptly cut me off, (reciting?) that I am an independent contractor so the company is not obligated to talk to me about it. She'd call me back if her supervisor approved the increase for the shop 90 minutes away. Am I sure I don't want to drive a six-hour round trip for a shop they cannot fill? .... No returned call.

Maritz used to get away with lower fees because of good relationships with shoppers. It is the end of their quarter and those shops are still on the board. Coincidence?
Obviously I've been fortunate, as I haven't encountered any of the above problems. At my request, there's a notation I'm willing to travel IF, in my opinion, the remuneration's commensurate with the work. As Is sometimes the case though, both yesterday and today we weren't able to come to an agreement, but, to paraphrase Katie Scarlett, there's always TOMORROW!
I have not have any problems with them either. I screwed up and missed a deadline because I was not paying attention to the date. I called and told them I screwed up and missed it. I was thanked for being honest and got it scheduled for the next day.

I did agree to do a FF 45 minutes down the road for a bonus. I named my price, which covered my gas, and the scheduler said OK. I have been paid more for the same shop. Never did come up on my shop page and never got a call about it. I did not mind not going at all so I never called to ask what happened and they did not call and tell me I missed it.
I did not mean to imply that I've had any problems with them,I have worked with them for over 3 years and I know a few schedulers very well,they are great to work for,but when I ask for certain schedulers that I used to deal with I have been told they no longer work there,so I was just curious as to why they had left,maybe the employees were just burned out,I'm sure it's a stressful job with as many shoppers as they deal with on a daily basis.I primarily do their image-audit gas stations and I have noticed a decline of jobs in my area,maybe it's just the time of the year, because they are releasing their shops different this year than in the past.Like I said I will continue to work for them.
I have worked for them for six years, and yes, I notice a big change in the past couple of months.
A week later, I got "management approval" for a bonus I asked to do a shop 90 minutes away. Crap. The price I quoted was with a route and the other MSP no longer has shops out that

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2011 07:19PM by heartlandcanuck.
I have worked with Maritz for several years. I do mostly the bank shops. I have never had any problems with call backs. Most times, I call in the morning. Maritz was very accommodating a few months ago, when I had to change a few shop dates.
No problems so far, though I've only done about 5 or 6 shops for them. I recently shopped the wrong location, but notified them as soon as I realized my mistake, then had to try and extend my deadline. I know the schedulers need to fill their shops and am very thankful mine extended them. I completed all shops and made every effort to do so for them.


Sean the Shopper
My experience with the company has been outstanding. I'm still talking with the same people and I haven't noticed a change in operations. I typically do not reach a person and have to leave a message. All calls have been returned in a timely way. Every business has turnover, and it is to be expected new employees will come on stream and will have learning curves. Perhaps negative experiences discussed here are due to an inexperienced employee handling an area rather than any change in procedures. With the exception of the shipping work which disappeared some time ago, I am seeing the same amount and types of jobs listed. Nothing has changed recently in my area.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
They keep calling me to do their bank shops. I did everyone in this area and I don't want to do them again right now. I am very easy to remember I stand 6'5"weigh about 295 have white hair and a white beard. They say they won't remember me I say yes they will and I won't do their shops now.
plbell627 Wrote:
> They keep calling me to do their bank shops. I did
> everyone in this area and I don't want to do them
> again right now. I am very easy to remember I
> stand 6'5"weigh about 295 have white hair and a
> white beard. They say they won't remember me I say
> yes they will and I won't do their shops now.

Among other reasons, I also stopped doing those because of the awkward encounter where I knew they remembered me from last time.
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