Intellishop / auto with online lead

I recently signed up for one of these shops. It is only after you accept the assignment, that the full guidelines are revealed.
They were quite simple until you got to the online lead. They wanted a screenshot of your request for an appointment BEFORE you submit it. The screenshot had to show the date and time. I spent two hours trying to find a way to do this.

I take many screenshots for various companies. They all request you send the screenshot after you have submitted the request, not before you send it.

I emailed the scheduler who replied that I could go ahead and request an appointment without the screenshot. If the salesperson replied by email, they would probably pay me for the shop. PROBABLY?? I canceled the shop.

There are numerous auto dealer shops from this company paying well over $100. I believe this is why no one accepts them.

Does anyone know a way of getting a date and timestamp on your appointment request prior to submitting it? I would like to work these shops even though my intuition is telling me to beware. When high paying shops are not being worked, there has to be a reason.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2024 04:38PM by Texans.

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I have not done one of those shops but don't you see a screen where you input the date and time you want before you submit your appointment request? If so, just take a screenshot of that.
I doesn’t want a screenshot of the date and time that I wanted the appointment. It wants a date and time screenshot of my REQUEST FOR AN APPOINTMENT prior to my submitting it.
This is a very strange request so I understand why you would think that. I have done a lot of shops that want a date and time confirmation of your appointment.

It seems kind of fishy to me. I think a lot of people think like you did and worked the assignment and then didn't get paid. I hate to think this. Years ago, I had worked a lot of these shops that required an online lead for this company. None of them made this request. There are a huge amount of these shops that have not been accepted. I believe now I know why.
I use my laptop, it has the time & date in the lower right corner of the screen.
I've done MANY of these shops. It's simple to take a screenshot before & after you submit the request. Just hit 'print screen'.
ALL of my devices, my phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop computers all have the time and date in one of the corners of the screen. a screen shot from any of them will have the date and time on it.

I know some folks choose not to have the toolbar show at the bottom of the screen on their computers, but it's easy to open long enough to hit the prtsc button. Same goes for the phones and tablets.. you can shut it off, but the settings can be changed temporarily to show that info while you're making your appointment.
I believe that the reason they want the time and dates of the communications is so that they can verify that you got timely responses or not.
The date and time are at the bottom corner of your screen, just capture that in the screen shot. Did a few of these last year, got paid for every one of them. Can't do them this round because of rotation. They are not moving because most of us did them last year. I would do more if I were eligible.
Fill out the the online form, before you submit hit the print screen button. Select full screen. Save as jpeg. Then submit the form. Take another screen shot.

I recently did 2 of these shops. First time doing car shops. They seemed straight forward. The company is reliable. Years ago I did work for them. They pay on time and are reasonable with assisting shoppers. At least, in my experience.

Hope this helps.
I took my Samsung galaxy a21 to the Best buy geek squad yesterday. They worked with my phone to try to get the date to show. The time is in the upper left corner. You can press on the time and it will show the date for a second. The minute you release, the date goes away. They told me that there was no way to get the date to show on my phone.
I used to work a lot for Intellishop and they are a reliable company. I loved working for them. I am going to try again from my laptop and try the print screen option and see if that works. Thank you for your help. I really want to work these shops.
Thank you, I am definitely going to try this. I took my phone to the geek squad yesterday. They said there was no way to get the date to show, only the time is in the top left hand corner.
Texans, try one of the weather widgets. I have several weather apps, and each has widgets to put on your screen. You can get them to just show the weather, sometimes, time and weather, or time date and weather. My lock screen on my android device shows the time, date, temp and city, not exact location. I've taken screen shots of my lock screen because the time is easier to see. It also has a cool quote from Ansel Adams..
What they are asking is not at all unusual. You've already been given good advice here. The client is generally flexible with certain things on these shops. When the scheduler told you "probably," she obviously could not guarantee it because something like that would be outside her control, but she knows the client is flexible on certain things. Now, I would not go to a location I was at 6 months ago because they are hitting hard the client does not want that.
They appear firm on their 12 months rotation. That's why the shops aren't being taken.
@wrosie wrote:

They appear firm on their 12 months rotation. That's why the shops aren't being taken.

Right, you can only do one per location, and probably only one per ownership. There might be dealerships in adjacent areas owned by the same company, but I think you can only do one within that system. (I think so, because there are locations I know I've never shopped, but when I try to schedule them, all the dates are greyed out.). That means instead of having a rotation of a couple of months, it's more like a rotation of a couple of years. So they go up to $100-$150 but stay on the boards.
@Bridgiecat wrote:

FYI - the date and time is also embedded into the screenshot file info as well.
These require a visible date and time as part of the screenshot, i.e., the information has to appear on your screen. Adding it after the fact or using something like timestamp camera to take a picture of the screen may cause the shop to be rejected.

-edited because WTH-
I swear I wasn't on drugs when I posted this!

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2024 06:06AM by drdoggie00.
You are right, Doggie. I found that if I press and hold the time on the top left of my notebook, I can take a screenshot. It shows the date as long as I keep my finger on the time. I have to use both hands to accomplish this, but it works.
I have assigned myself 2 of these shops for next week. I still think it is ridiculous to have to take a screenshot before you submit the online appointment request.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2024 11:37PM by Texans.
They are asking for the screenshot before you submit it as they want to see what information you entered in to the request (your name, contact info, dealership, etc). Lets say you accidentally mistyped your phone number on the request screen. And then you report that you didn't get a phone call as follow up. The dealership will look in their CRM and see if any calls were made to the number you listed, and what the outcome of the call was. If they see calls made to the number you entered, and that the call couldn't be completed, they have an explanation for why you didn't get a follow up call. Remember that this shop is for the car manufacturer and the dealerships to evaluate the efficacy of their salespeople, and to coach them for improvement. So they triangulate all this data to understand exactly what happened, and when.

This is a very common request for many shops, not just this one.
I have mystery shopped for 25 years. There are a lot of shops that request a screenshot of your confirmation request. I do this almost daily. Most of them have a drop down calendar to add the date and time to your upload. This company wants the date and time on the screenshot. With a lot of devices, this is impossible. I took my Samsung galaxy A21 to the geek squad at Best Buy. They worked with it for 30 minutes and confirmed that displaying the date and time on a screenshot is impossible.
I use a tablet as much as possible to avoid problems like this one. I find it’s much faster as well.
This shop had a bad rep because the survey was extremely lengthy and time consuming. They have since modified it so you can make $50/hr if you wait until the end of the month when it goes up to $120 - $140. You can request $140 and will probably get it. I actually enjoyed test driving the new E9 model. It was definitely worth it. No revisions needed.
I was actually trying to answer your question about why they want a screenshot before you submit the request. A confirmation screen doesn't have all the submitted info, usually. But, yes, the screenshot should be taken on your computer or tablet for this particular shop. Mobile websites for auto dealers also tend to be a bit harder to maneuver, so you might find the website interaction work to be a lot easier on a larger screen for this project.

Personally, I think the date/time thing is the least of your worries on these projects. The length of the survey should be what concerns you. winking smiley. Its not for the feint of heart!

@Texans wrote:

I have mystery shopped for 25 years. There are a lot of shops that request a screenshot of your confirmation request. I do this almost daily. Most of them have a drop down calendar to add the date and time to your upload. This company wants the date and time on the screenshot. With a lot of devices, this is impossible. I took my Samsung galaxy A21 to the geek squad at Best Buy. They worked with it for 30 minutes and confirmed that displaying the date and time on a screenshot is impossible.
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