My son has been banned from a car wash shop, and grocery shops, and all Chevron shops. When he first started mystery shopping I made the mistake of making him a time sensitive route for doing Chevron shops, back when Image and Customer first were all in one shop. Because he needs to engage EVERYONE he meets or sometimes just random people he sees in conversation about one thing or another, he didn't make it to the last shop before 22:00. And he lied on the shop to say that he did. So he was removed from Chevron. A similar thing happened with the car wash shops, he offered his opinion, which wasn't welcome, to the manager of a car wash he was auditing, and several days later he was removed from all of the car washes at that company. I'm not exactly sure what the problem with the grocery store was, but at the end of the round the scheduler told him that he couldn't do grocery shops for them anymore. But my guess is that he offered "suggestions" to someone who then made a fuss about it. That is definitely his MO.
I have been deactivated by 3 MSCs. One was a restaurant, my very FIRST restaurant shop. I still don't think I did anything wrong, I did everything that it said to do in the guidelines. For some reason the waiter started being rude to me and my guest shortly after we arrived, I wouldn't be surprised if he spit in all of our food too. And then when I asked for my receipt after I paid with my card, he refused. And he got his manager. I never did get my receipt, and both him and his manager kept yelling at me and calling me and my guest names all the way out to my car. I evaluated the restaurant exactly as it said to in the guidelines, and I wrote some pretty horrible things about the waiter and the manager. The editor wanted me to change my report and not be so harsh. And I refused. And I was deactivated.
the second one was Sinclair, because I didn't return one of the items to a Williams Sonoma. And I refused to go all the way back to OC and redo it for a $5 shop. After spending the entire day at that huge mall in the OC making myself sick for $45. It cost me more than that to drive to the OC and back the first time. The only thing I missed about Sinclair was being able to get free pizza for the yardsale folks. I soon found other pizza shops with better pizza for the yardsale folks.
And CFA, because a theater owner lied and said that I was watching the movies. I wasn't, I never have. But that didn't seem to matter, I'd been doing trailers, opens and ad checks for CFA for years with no complaints (that I knew of), and ONE man lying about me got me deactivated. The theater is long gone, even the building is gone. It's a parking lot now. And I still don't work for CFA.
The only individual client I've been removed from was one of the gas stations. It was during the transition from Maritz to Ipsos, one of the KSS schedulers was "helping" if you want to call it that (He also had my son removed from a different gas station for several years.) I was involved in a car accident in the middle of my route. I had just left a station and was heading to the next station, I got to a signal and stopped, still behind the limit line, with my right turn signal on. Next thing I know my car is sitting sideways in the lane, my foot was still on the brake, my car had never moved. The truck that hit me pulled out and turned left in front of oncoming traffic and the Honda that was doing 65 MPH hit that big white Ford truck, and pushed it into my car. They guy in the Honda left in an ambulance, the guy in the Ford truck tried to tell everybody that someone had signaled to him that it was ok to turn. But no one did, not the other folks at the signal that didn't get hit, or me, I never even noticed him until I had no choice.. Anyway, the KSS scheduler seemed understanding, but I had some mental health issues because of this accident, and it took me almost a year before I could drive myself again. He wouldn't let my son take me to the rest of my shops to complete them, and he removed me from the approved list. I have been reinstated to do these shops again finally, just recently.