Leslie Tanner

Has anyone had any interactions or worked with this scheduler before? If so, what were your experiences in working and interacting with her? I've had some negative and questionable experiences with her.

Also, do the schedulers at this company write and put together the shop guidelines? The shop guidelines for the shops that she works on are either too detailed or omit certain items.

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Leslie is awesome. Responds quickly and is a pleasure to work with. I do not know anything about scheduler input with client guidelines.
That's good to hear. I will give her the benefit of doubt. Maybe I am overreacting.
Finding it funny we now have 2 threads with individual from Intellishop schedulers going. The other being Joe Sidders.
Leslie has always been quick to respond and professional in any interactions we have had.
I'll add to the chorus. Always positives when there were issues with shops she scheduled.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I love Leslie. I might have a secret crush on her. In all seriousness, Leslie rocks. Maybe she had a bad day? Some type of misunderstanding? If you continue to feel there is an issue, send a polite e-mail and clear the air. Apologize even if you don't think you need to. Doing that can go along way in repairing awkwardness and misunderstandings that arise on both ends when it comes to written communication. I will tell you that Leslie is in my top 5 of favorite schedulers. She's someone I want to help, even if the pay isn't always ideal.
I have communicated with Leslie, but have, to my recollection, never applied for work she was scheduling, this due to my fee requirements. As for the approach to business I prefer, it is a recipient being candid, concise and communicative. Predicated upon my experiences, all of the workers at Intelli-shop fit what I seek in a relationship.
I have found Leslie to be very resonsive, polite and friendly. There was some conflicting information in a job posting and the guidelines which I brought to her attention and she was appreciative and said she would get it fixed.
Nothing but professional and friendly responses from her. Do tons of work for her and have done a ton in the past. I even made a boo boo and she was quick to help me fix a mistake. Happy to work for both her and Joe.
Thanks for the replies. Hm, reading all of this positive feedback, it reminds me of Jordan Webster for me. Maybe I need to re-approach how to communicate with Leslie, if I ever need to.
As it applies to Jordan, I worked with him on one category of shops extending over a yr., until the client changed a requirement I was unable to satisfy. His assistance and responses were "top shelf."
Leslie has been very kind to me and even helped me attach pic for a shop once. This was so kind of her. Morocco77
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