Beware this company - low paying shops, strange directions and a really punitive contact person.- I was given a negative citation for asking a question about whether a shop I had assigned was a new round as there was a limit on the number of shops you can do in a round. I had done 3 yesterday and was not sure. I did the 3 shops 100% as required. I reported immediately and wrote appropriate narrative so I thought I would do another.
I self assigned but did not confirm the shop prior to writing for clarification and asking if it can be done or needed to be cancelled given the limit of 4. As the due dates on the batch posted today was extended, I thought perhaps it was a new round as is often the case with shop postings.
As I had not yet confirmed the shop I did not expect an issue. Rather than a simple cancellation, I was given a score of zero and a negative citation which read "did not follow directions and self assigned another phone shop."
Not a nice way to do business. Actually pretty nasty and punitive if you ask me!
Now I know why they are offering referral bonuses for referring shoppers- if this is how they operate I do not blame anyone for not wanting to be bothered! I can see a negative for flaking, for not doing a shop properly but for asking a question to clarify if it was new round to avoid an issue as to whether the shop would be valid or not??? Not nice at all!
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2024 08:01PM by Fatlady.