ISS airport shops

There are tons of food and bar shops in the Dallas airports, if anyone's interested. It's not my thing but some traveler here might be hungry! Zip code 75261 for DFW also shows Love airport.

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Unless one needs more experience and more badges to advance to some higher level before seeing these shops offered (?), here in Phoenix at the airport under this platform I only find various airport shuttle and transportation services shops. I LOVE airports, always have, and would be glad to take on at least fully rembursed (though of course I'd rather a shop fee be attached, too, lol) bar and restaurant shops at the Phoenix Airport....maybe someday or through another msc? Morocco77
Yup, unfortunately I'm always littered with these shops showing up on my board. For me, I've been seeing them since the first day I logged back into the ISS platform some months ago. That and the scanning shops take up half of the real estate on my board. Same experience with Coyle, where I have to at least scroll past the first page.

I wish there way to filter it out!
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