Not Going to Lie, IPSOS' absence of shops is a bummer

In my area (a medium sized pretty major city) has had 0 shops on Shopmetrics for weeks now. Is everyone seeing something similar? Tomorrow is the first time in years I'll have no payments from the Shopmetrics side. So weird!

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Shopmetrics has been dry for me as well, especially since a certain agency, of sorts, recently left them. There should be some gas stations dropping this week.
Just saw some Loyalty shops posted, but I can not apply for any locations. All the dates on the calendar are greyed out. Maybe the quota was reached? I am feeling the lack of shops in my area, as well.
5 shops within 25 miles. It has been scarce. And the new ones that pop up don't stay long now because people are desperate for work.
Since the shipping shops went away I haven't even looked at shopmetrics. I expect to see banking shops and hardware store shops there, so I don't generally bother. The gas station shops on shopmetrics generally don't pay enough until the day before the end of the cycle, so I don't jump and run for those either.
There's always a massive list of Stagecoach Bank shops in my area. And a few airline lounges.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
We don't have the Stagecoach bank here, just the High Speed Pursuit bank and only a few of those (but nothing posted this quarter). Oh well, on the flip side this has motivated me to ramp up my work with other MSCs who have projects here. I've been ignoring a few of them, so i guess we both win.
It's actually hilarious to read all the code words so you don't break the ica agreement but I guess it's even more hilarious that I can follow it.
I think instead of adding bonuses they just took them all off the board. I normally do several in far out locations at end of the cycle and they were there and then gone.
I rarely do work on the Shopmetrics platform for this MS company anymore. I hate it. I hope Sassie does not change into the Shopmetrics format. Sassie is so easy to sort and view a comprehensive list of shop locations. It seems Shopmetrics intentionally makes it hard for shopopers to find jobs. Obviously, whoever was tasked to "update" the site during COVID was not a serious mystery shopper, because they would hate it too!
@Dandydew wrote:

I rarely do work on the Shopmetrics platform for this MS company anymore. I hate it. I hope Sassie does not change into the Shopmetrics format. Sassie is so easy to sort and view a comprehensive list of shop locations. It seems Shopmetrics intentionally makes it hard for shopopers to find jobs. Obviously, whoever was tasked to "update" the site during COVID was not a serious mystery shopper, because they would hate it too!

I prefer Shopmetrics vs Sassie....
Not a Shopmetrics fan. Sassie is where the action is for me! But sign up for both because you never quite know what will show up where.
@wrosie wrote:

It's actually hilarious to read all the code words so you don't break the ica agreement but I guess it's even more hilarious that I can follow it.

I wondered if the "High Speed Persuit" took place on a "Famous Highway" in a "Stagecoach" while hunting down a "Naked Wild Animal!"
I did a few "High Speed Pursuit" bank shops where you have to make an appointment ahead of time and leave your phone number. So I was quite surprised when one banker called to confirm and mentioned that she saw I had several other appointments recently. What the heck??? So, they can see via our phone number what is up?? Seems like a dead give-a-way to the banker. I'll have to go back to passing on these again. I notified the MSC and the response said they were looking into the matter.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Anyone seeing their Loyalty Rewards shops, but every date is "greyed out" and no ability to apply?
Yes, seeing the same thing. There is a note in the job posting about this, basically saying if all the dates are greyed out that means they are already at their quota but to check again since more locations might open up.
@jewel1233 wrote:

Anyone seeing their Loyalty Rewards shops, but every date is "greyed out" and no ability to apply?
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