Intouch Insight Payments

I'm curious to hear when everyone's last payment from Intouch Insight was. Mine was March 28. I've been shopping with them for more than a year and they typically pay every 2 weeks.

South Florida: Broward and Palm Beach County

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I've never had an issue getting paid from Intouch. Have you contacted anyone about it yet?

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.

Not yet. I just noticed the lack of payments. This is the first time I've had an issue with them. All my recent shops say "not yet paid" on ISS.

It was operator error ????. I forgot I didn't shop for a few weeks. All should be good.

South Florida: Broward and Palm Beach County

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2024 01:20PM by GSRshops.
I just emailed them with a screenshot from ISS.

South Florida: Broward and Palm Beach County
Never had a problem on ISS 3/3 shops paid 3/28. Got 3 shops tomorrow.

Nor Seelevel. Last payment 4/15 for a 3/22 phone shop. Which may actually have been later than I would have expected. 3/14 shop paid 3/22.

Guess it depends on what platform you do the shop on. Don't feel like looking up on their original Sassie website since I know it's been a while.
They recently changed their payment times to twice a month or so instead of every week.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
intouch insight paid me on April 15 for a job I did in March for SeeLevelCX.

On my evaluation reviews, ALL OF THEM, it says this: "Comments: Final Grade: 10. Superior evaluation. Completed and submitted on time, with project specifications followed exactly as outlined and no additional information or clarification needed. The evaluation was free of spelling/grammar errors and contradictions and written in a professional manner. Regardless of rating, payment for this project is contingent on the client's acceptance of your evaluation. Thank you for your efforts."
Twice a month now. The 15th and the last day of the month.
From the new agreement:
"For work performed between the 1st and 15th, payment will be processed on the last day of the month. For work performed between the 16th and last day of the month, payment will be processed on the 15th of the following month."
And since my last three shops were after the 15th of this month, I did not get a payment.

I did not expect to get paid until the 15th of next month. Just as their agreement states.
For Intouch Insight, I'm seeing extended delays in shop reviews / approvals and emails confirming submission are not being received (not in spam folder either). The first item is definitely an operational change on their part. The second item might be an iSecretShop automated reply issue, but it's repeated for several shops at this point.
I submitted one InTouch report last Saturday and it was approved today.
A report I submitted about 4pm today was approved about 6 pm today. And one I submitted about 2 pm today isn’t approved yet. They are all super simple reports.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2024 06:05AM by prince.
I submitted two reports on the ISS platform last Saturday and one was approved the next day.

The other sat. I sent the scheduler an email asking if something was wrong. She said it could take up to 5 business days to get approved. But she also resubmitted the shop that was already in submitted status. It was approved today, 5 business days after I submitted it last Saturday.

Perhaps they have different editors for the kind of shop they are doing.

I'm just guessing.

But I do like the intouch insight shops.

I do expect to be paid for all the shops I did last month after the q5th, and all the shops I did early this month on the 15th. If not I'll post it here.
ISS is a platform. Each MSC reviews its own shops. Even within a single MSC, there are sometimes different shops with different editors.
@wrosie wrote:

I submitted two reports on the ISS platform last Saturday and one was approved the next day.

The other sat. I sent the scheduler an email asking if something was wrong. She said it could take up to 5 business days to get approved. But she also resubmitted the shop that was already in submitted status. It was approved today, 5 business days after I submitted it last Saturday.

Perhaps they have different editors for the kind of shop they are doing.

I'm just guessing.

But I do like the intouch insight shops.

I do expect to be paid for all the shops I did last month after the q5th, and all the shops I did early this month on the 15th. If not I'll post it here.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
Lately, some of my Sonic shops have been approved in less than 5 minutes. Could be they have a full staff, but I like to think, they see my name pop up and grab the shop because they can see that I did over 300 Last year.
SeeLevelCX ussialy checking jobs later than ISS. but py from them is going in the same schedule twice monthly.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
You did 300 Sonic shops last year?

@ShopperGirly wrote:

Lately, some of my Sonic shops have been approved in less than 5 minutes. Could be they have a full staff, but I like to think, they see my name pop up and grab the shop because they can see that I did over 300 Last year.
I haven't seen one job availabe on Intouch sassie in west coast for like a year already.....most of their jobs seems to be on ISS nowadays.....the one I do the most are the gas station audits...but even that one seems to disappear since last month
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