Coyle bidding question

When one applies for a Coyle shop there are fees listed but then also bidding and often a suggestion about successful bid ranges. I mostly do not bid since I mostly do restaurant shops for Coyle.

My friend also shops and does parking and retail shops, etc. My friend was asking me about making an offer and had a kind of strange experience so I wanted to bring it here for additional perspective. My friend applied for several jobs and made a bid for fees. My friend was then assigned the jobs but the fees on the email were the same as the additional positing and did not reflect my friend's bids. My friend asked if this was strange and I said I honestly didn't know but to reach out and ask about it. The email my friend got back was that they were able to pay $x which was less than what my friend had bid. I thought that this sounded odd since this was not mentioned prior to offering the jobs. There was also a remark about the fee being high but my friend had done the jobs for the amount bid in the past as well as up to $10-25 more than the bid on the current jobs.

Anyway, I guess I'm looking for some info for my friend. My thought was that you would be offered the job only if they accepted your bid. Or that, at least, there would be a counter before offering the job such as, we can offer a max of $x, if that would be acceptable please accept the job on the site. Any perspective I could pass along would be awesome. Thank you!

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Before I state my opinion, I have neither ever completed a job for Coyle nor bid on work for any MSC. In addition, my last fine dining shop was in Aug. of 2007.

If I correctly understand what you have stated, your friend placed a bid and was assigned, BUT, it was for less than what she had submitted. If I am correct, she can accept the work for Coyle's dollar or she can cancel the shop(s). In that you already know what I would do, I will not bore any readers with my business philosophy.
@shopperbob wrote:

Before I state my opinion, I have neither ever completed a job for Coyle nor bid on work for any MSC. In addition, my last fine dining shop was in Aug. of 2007.

If I correctly understand what you have stated, your friend placed a bid and was assigned, BUT, it was for less than what she had submitted. If I am correct, she can accept the work for Coyle's dollar or she can cancel the shop(s). In that you already know what I would do, I will not bore any readers with my business philosophy.

Hi Bob,

Yes, my friend was assigned the shops but the fee did not reflect the bid. Neither my friend, nor I realized that could happen as we haven't had it happen before. It became a little awkward since the jobs were end of period and needed to be completed in 24-48 hours since being assigned.

What I haven't noticed before is the price on a job changing/not changing after a bid. I'm not sure if it does usually change from the "listing" when it's subsequently been assigned. Hopefully someone knows about this and can chime in. E.g. when the job is offered for say, $25 and you say you can do it for $35 does the assignment email then reflect that price (?).

I'm not sure how/if my friend resolved it but I'll follow up to see if they learn anything more about the process from Coyle.

Like @shopperbob, I've never completed a shop for Coyle. I think I am signed up with them because I do get e-mails about jobs. I do think it is strange, but not being familiar with their practices, I can't say for sure. Personally, I'm not a fan of this type of reverse auction. Tell me your price, and I'll decide if I want the job. The deck is already skewed in favor of the MSC, and this makes it even moreso. If your friend is okay with the possibility the company may ban them from completing these shops in the future, then they should cancel them being that they are not satisfied. If it is more important to keep on friendly terms, then they should drop the issue, complete the shops, and be weary of placing bids with this company in the future. I think your reasoning is sound: By giving your friend the job, it would appear they accepted the bid. If not, they should have countered or rejected it altogether. I look forward to the followup post.
It sounds like it was the scheduler's mistake. I've always been scheduled with shop fees that matched my bids. One time, a scheduler reached out and noticed me of their max bid amount. I agreed and was scheduled. They shouldn't have scheduled her unless they informed her of the fee cap beforehand.
@Mellifluy wrote:

It sounds like it was the scheduler's mistake. I've always been scheduled with shop fees that matched my bids. One time, a scheduler reached out and noticed me of their max bid amount. I agreed and was scheduled. They shouldn't have scheduled her unless they informed her of the fee cap beforehand.

Thanks, I couldn't recall how it had worked for me because I think I've just taken the base rate in the past. I hope they'll resolve it for my friend. I have generally had good luck working with their staff when it comes to questions or rescheduling, etc. but I haven't ever had a payment/bid issue before.
This is definitely a scheduler issue. Coyle has been using more outside schedulers since they started getting busy again and I have had some bad experiences with them. I would push back on having shops assigned at less than my bid., though.

The system as I understand it is that you get the base rate of you don't bid, but them giving you the assignment is basically them agreeing to the bid, if you made one. I have also in the past stated a bid that I would like, but added a note to contact me if it was too high, and actually had a scheduler reach out to negotiate the fee.

I bid low on a particular hotel client in the past and was immediately assigned the shop. I did that because it was something I wanted and not worth quibbling over $50 dollars. For the recent round posted on the same client, I asked for what I thought the assignment was actually worth ($50 more than my previous bid), and my application is still sitting there, so I think it does affect your ability to get assignments, and they will stall it out over $50.
@SteveSoCal wrote:

This is definitely a scheduler issue. Coyle has been using more outside schedulers since they started getting busy again and I have had some bad experiences with them. I would push back on having shops assigned at less than my bid., though.

The system as I understand it is that you get the base rate of you don't bid, but them giving you the assignment is basically them agreeing to the bid, if you made one. I have also in the past stated a bid that I would like, but added a note to contact me if it was too high, and actually had a scheduler reach out to negotiate the fee.

I bid low on a particular hotel client in the past and was immediately assigned the shop. I did that because it was something I wanted and not worth quibbling over $50 dollars. For the recent round posted on the same client, I asked for what I thought the assignment was actually worth ($50 more than my previous bid), and my application is still sitting there, so I think it does affect your ability to get assignments, and they will stall it out over $50.

Thanks, I was hoping you might see this since it seems you have the most extensive experience with Coyle.

I guess someone from scheduling responded to my friend that she would up the pay to $x but that was less than the bid and also less that my friend had previously done the same job for. I think my friend has written again in a very polite way about it but I don't think there was been a response. Is scheduling@ the best email for contacting them?

I'm personally always worried about ticking off the wrong person in MS and then having opportunities dry up. I wish that weren't so but I'm always concerned about speaking up and then never getting work again. I did have some luck reaching out to Coyle about a restaurant job where there was NO way the reimbursement would cover the required purchases and they did bring it up. I guess that's a minor win. But I digress!

Thanks SCS, I hope that they will make it right for my friend but I don't feel entirely positive that they will.
@olympia tennenbaum wrote:

Is scheduling@ the best email for contacting them?

You are most likely to get a response from the scheduling@ email, but I'd always copy support@ for exposure as well.

And your friend should not feel bad about cancelling an assignment if they don't think the offered price is worth it.

I'm 50/50 on them upping reimbursement for some of the restaurants that have completely inadequate reimbursements, but have been pointing that out more and more. The reimbursement limits have not adjusted with the recent price increases at most restaurants.

As far as speaking up, I have never worried too much about retribution...largely because I have a strong relationship with the company, but also because there doesn't seem to be a strong connection to your feedback and ability to get assignments. If you are caught fabricating details or regularly flake on assignments, I am positive that it's noted in your profile and will make it hard to get assignments, but I don't think anyone is taking the time to note complaints in shopper profiles, or mine would read like a novel, and I would never get assignments. I have probably sent in a correction or complaint on 50% of my assignments for the past 20 years.
@SteveSoCal wrote:

@olympia tennenbaum wrote:

Is scheduling@ the best email for contacting them?

You are most likely to get a response from the scheduling@ email, but I'd always copy support@ for exposure as well.

And your friend should not feel bad about cancelling an assignment if they don't think the offered price is worth it.

I'm 50/50 on them upping reimbursement for some of the restaurants that have completely inadequate reimbursements, but have been pointing that out more and more. The reimbursement limits have not adjusted with the recent price increases at most restaurants.

As far as speaking up, I have never worried too much about retribution...largely because I have a strong relationship with the company, but also because there doesn't seem to be a strong connection to your feedback and ability to get assignments. If you are caught fabricating details or regularly flake on assignments, I am positive that it's noted in your profile and will make it hard to get assignments, but I don't think anyone is taking the time to note complaints in shopper profiles, or mine would read like a novel, and I would never get assignments. I have probably sent in a correction or complaint on 50% of my assignments for the past 20 years.

Well, I take it as reassuring that you are okay with speaking up. I'll try not to worry that I'm shooting myself in the foot.

I'll also encourage my friend to try again with support@ and scheduling@. In my own experience, they have usually been pretty good about getting back to me in a timely manner.

What is it that makes you 50/50 on asking about the food reimbursement? I recall when I was new to shopping that their materials basically made the distinction that they are not like other companies and completely reimburse for required shops. They usually seem to reimburse for at least the bare minimum. I get a little bothered when the reimbursement doesn't cover at least the bare minimum in each category. I don't mind if I have the ability to make a more expensive choice and then I'm on the hook for it, but if I have to order several items and the reimbursement max doesn't cover it, then I get a tad bothered.
Steve, do you ask for the higher reimbursement as part of your bid, or after you’re assigned the shop? It’s honestly never occurred to me to do this. Most of their restaurant shops here get snapped up right away but sometimes when I travel I spot one that has been sitting a while or got dropped. The fees can be very good but like you said the the reimbursements haven’t always kept pace.
@NinS wrote:

Steve, do you ask for the higher reimbursement as part of your bid, or after you’re assigned the shop? It’s honestly never occurred to me to do this. Most of their restaurant shops here get snapped up right away but sometimes when I travel I spot one that has been sitting a while or got dropped. The fees can be very good but like you said the the reimbursements haven’t always kept pace.

Not Steve but what I’ve done in the past was written end inquired after assigned. I usually look over the menus ahead of time. When I wrote to them I asked to confirm the reimbursement was for the restaurant and bar and cited the price ranges for the items required. They let me know that the reimbursement needed to be updated. I’ve only done it once.
@NinS wrote:

Steve, do you ask for the higher reimbursement as part of your bid, or after you’re assigned the shop?

To be clear, I don't request a higher reimbursement for just my assignment. I request that they change the reimbursement moving forward...and that's usually after I have been to the location and seen a current menu. If you know the reimbursement is not adequate in advance, you can potentially request a higher fee or additional reimbursement for completing the assignment, in order to compensate.

One of the big issues for me these days is getting my parking covered, if it's not included in reimbursement. I did a diner evaluation recently where the parking was $26 at the location (after validation!). I would ask for that to be covered in advance moving forward.
@SteveSoCal wrote:

@NinS wrote:

Steve, do you ask for the higher reimbursement as part of your bid, or after you’re assigned the shop?

To be clear, I don't request a higher reimbursement for just my assignment. I request that they change the reimbursement moving forward...and that's usually after I have been to the location and seen a current menu. If you know the reimbursement is not adequate in advance, you can potentially request a higher fee or additional reimbursement for completing the assignment, in order to compensate.

One of the big issues for me these days is getting my parking covered, if it's not included in reimbursement. I did a diner evaluation recently where the parking was $26 at the location (after validation!). I would ask for that to be covered in advance moving forward.

That's a great point about parking. I need to get smarter about this ahead of time.

Did you ask about it afterwards or it's just something you'll bring up next time you apply? Thanks again, it's always great to hear from you since you have so much experience.
@olympia tennenbaum wrote:

Did you ask about it afterwards or it's just something you'll bring up next time you apply?

If you need extra $$ for parking, you have to put it in the application for the assignment.

Unfortunately, those who negotiate the client contracts do not always consider the additional costs that evaluators have to incur. There's one hotel client that requires valet parking to be evaluated, so I often have to rent a car and include that in projected travel expenses.

Everything you are required to do for an assignment that results a cost to you should be reimbursed. There's a normal business accounting path for all of that, but it sometimes gets lost in the MS world.

Other items I have been reimbursed for in the past include:
-Phone charges for international calls that were required
-Airport parking
-Visa costs for travel
-Currency conversion costs for required cash transactions
-Cash that was stolen from valet and housekeeping staff in required cash tests

These day I drive an EV and have an app-controlled charger for it in my driveway, so while I don't concern myself with 'mileage' charges, or attempt to write those off, the app will tell me the specific cost of driving somewhere and returning if I plug the car back in after I return, so I keep that in mind when factoring my costs as well.

This is probably a whole other topic for those often discussing taxes and MSing, and writing milage off, but the way my CPA explained it to me, when you agree to an assignment, the cost of driving there and back is on you, and considered to be "commuting" miles. Unless I am on a route, or lining up multiple shops where I can keep track of miles between the different assignments, those trips wouldn't go into my business deduction for miles. They are included as the cost of doing business, and I look to recoup that cost through assignment fees. Even if you are on a remote assignment where you have to fly, and your flights and airport parking are covered, the trip to/from the airport is apparently considered to be your commute. Luckily the airport client I have been evaluating offers free car charging, so I have been tending to arrive there with car nearly empty smiling smiley
@SteveSoCal wrote:

@olympia tennenbaum wrote:

Did you ask about it afterwards or it's just something you'll bring up next time you apply?

If you need extra $$ for parking, you have to put it in the application for the assignment.

Unfortunately, those who negotiate the client contracts do not always consider the additional costs that evaluators have to incur. There's one hotel client that requires valet parking to be evaluated, so I often have to rent a car and include that in projected travel expenses.

Everything you are required to do for an assignment that results a cost to you should be reimbursed. There's a normal business accounting path for all of that, but it sometimes gets lost in the MS world.

Other items I have been reimbursed for in the past include:
-Phone charges for international calls that were required
-Airport parking
-Visa costs for travel
-Currency conversion costs for required cash transactions
-Cash that was stolen from valet and housekeeping staff in required cash tests

These day I drive an EV and have an app-controlled charger for it in my driveway, so while I don't concern myself with 'mileage' charges, or attempt to write those off, the app will tell me the specific cost of driving somewhere and returning if I plug the car back in after I return, so I keep that in mind when factoring my costs as well.

This is probably a whole other topic for those often discussing taxes and MSing, and writing milage off, but the way my CPA explained it to me, when you agree to an assignment, the cost of driving there and back is on you, and considered to be "commuting" miles. Unless I am on a route, or lining up multiple shops where I can keep track of miles between the different assignments, those trips wouldn't go into my business deduction for miles. They are included as the cost of doing business, and I look to recoup that cost through assignment fees. Even if you are on a remote assignment where you have to fly, and your flights and airport parking are covered, the trip to/from the airport is apparently considered to be your commute. Luckily the airport client I have been evaluating offers free car charging, so I have been tending to arrive there with car nearly empty smiling smiley

Very interesting. I am nowhere near your level or breadth of experience and have not dipped my toe in hotels or other travel related shops. Many different kinds of reimbursements!

I would not agree with your CPA about the commute miles, but I'm neither a CPA not your CPA! I used to do a TON of driving for a regular W2 job and that did require excluding certain miles for commuting and including others, etc. I'm sure your situation could be different from mine but tracking some miles and not others always made me crazy.
@olympia tennenbaum wrote:

I would not agree with your CPA about the commute miles, but I'm neither a CPA not your CPA! I used to do a TON of driving for a regular W2 job and that did require excluding certain miles for commuting and including others, etc. I'm sure your situation could be different from mine but tracking some miles and not others always made me crazy.

I don't deal with the miles situation anymore, since I have enough travel losses with actual receipts to more than make up for any profit I may show. I have had a few W-2 jobs for MSing in the past, though. One would not reimburse me for trips to the airport, and another would not reimburse me for arriving at the first location and departing the last, so I just assumed there was some kind of legal precedent from a tax court to substantiate that.

When I was MSIng full time and trying to make a a living at it, I was really beating my car up. Looking back, I realized that I was utilizing the milage reimbursements to help make a living wage and not saving it for car repairs/replacement. I ended up living in the metro downtown area and using public transit for a lot of shops during the end of that era, since it wasn't sustainable to be constantly fighting traffic and parking. I think that's probably one of the few ways to make mileage work for you in urban areas.
IMHO, that is the big mistake that people are making when they ask for "gas money". The cost of fuel for their car is likely a minor component of the true cost of driving a mile once wear and tear are factored in. For many people, the IRS mileage rate is less than their actual ownership cost.

As you implied in your answer, Steve, I should be putting the mileage reimbursement into an escrow account to pay for repairs. No, I am not that disciplined either.
@SteveSoCal wrote:

When I was MSIng full time and trying to make a a living at it, I was really beating my car up. Looking back, I realized that I was utilizing the milage reimbursements to help make a living wage and not saving it for car repairs/replacement.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
@myst4au wrote:

For many people, the IRS mileage rate is less than their actual ownership cost.

That's why my EV has been a game changer for me. I know it's not a good fit for everyone, and I'm shocked at the amount of people in L.A. driving them when they can only charge at public stations, but if you have a driveway you can park/charge in at night, the cost of operating an EV is significantly lower than a conventional vehicle, and often nets you a better parking spot.

I can longer due oil change shops, but I am also no longer required to get oil changes, smog checks, or pay the insane taxes on fuel that we have in CA. A lot of valet services also offer free charging as well, so that's a plus if your shop requires valet parking.
@SteveSoCal wrote:

When I was MSIng full time and trying to make a a living at it, I was really beating my car up. Looking back, I realized that I was utilizing the milage reimbursements to help make a living wage and not saving it for car repairs/replacement. I ended up living in the metro downtown area and using public transit for a lot of shops during the end of that era, since it wasn't sustainable to be constantly fighting traffic and parking. I think that's probably one of the few ways to make mileage work for you in urban areas.

Ouch, I feel that statement. i have also, in the past, viewed reimbursements as part of my wage. And yes, driving and parking, etc., take a real toll on your car!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2024 11:16AM by olympia tennenbaum.
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