TrendSource: Insulting AND Illiterate

Just got an email touting Neighborhood restaurant photo redos for a whopping $8 for at least 30 minutes of work.

Supposedly these require “less” photos than the original audit.

As a nation we remain DOOMED & DOOMEDER!

Have synthesizers, will travel...

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None of the ones near me have been done the first time. They have turned down every offer I've made, so I guess they don't need them done bad enough.

I like the MSC in general. I have always been able to work out a good fee with them when travel is needed. With these, they are almost driving me to cut ties due to the number of texts and e-mails I receive a day. There is nothing "neighborhood" about the place when it is 30 miles away.

If anyone from that MSC is reading this, if you want someone to drive 60 miles roundtrip to help you out, you have to give them more than $3 above base. Maybe communicating this to your client would be better advice. Lord knows their food is priced high enough they should be able to afford it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2024 11:42PM by ServiceAward.
I finally emailed them asking them to stop email, calling and texting me about these. (Didn't work, the onslaught continues). I'm in the same boat - offered $30/location to complete them and even went so far as to explain how I came up with that amount. Crickets in response, but then 4+ emails/texts/smoke signals/calls/billboards every day since. They are cuckoo on these! Clearly they aren't getting paid much to do them since they are ignoring all PAD requests, and thats on them and their poor negotiation skills.
Tell them they are harassing you and stop before you take legal action: they will .
@amberng wrote:

Tell them they are harassing you and stop before you take legal action: they will .

No, they won't.
I do sometimes have to think about less and fewer. But I do stop and think about it!
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