Ipsos Banned Me from Restaurant Shop

Ipsos banned me from doing shops for a popular restaurant chain. They didn't tell me I was banned but whenever I try to apply for a shop, I get "this shop is not available." I never got a reason for the ban and they have ignored my email asking why. I've never flaked on a shop. Plus, I looked up all my completed reports for this restaurant chain and I've never received a grade lower than a 9 on any of the reports. A huge majority of my grades were 10s. Any idea why they might've banned me? I'm asking here because they won't reply to my emails. Has this happened to anyone else?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2024 11:04PM by whataboutpromblaine.

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I think they have a time frame between shops. For instance if someone else had already done that location this week, it may be closed until another time. Could that be the problem?

They also have this message at the first of the month: * You cannot have shopped the same location within 15 days

They both have affected me at some point or another.
This is definitely a ban. I've no doubt whatsoever about it. I haven't been able to pick up ANY of this restaurant's shops at any locations for over a month now. I'm furious since I worked my butt off to give them timely, detailed reports on their restaurant chain client.
Who are you contacting there? If you are using the general email, they don't respond to much of anything. You need to go to the Shopmetrics side, click on News, click on Team, and find the person responsible for the program. Email them directly and ask what is going on. Unlikely they will reverse it, but they should respond and explain.
Some restaurants have a 60 or 90 day rotation. I can't do any restaurants this month for them due to the rotation.
I get "this shop is not available."

This means that you are no longer on the list of eligible shoppers for this shop. It could be something as simple as being recognized by a store manager as a shopper who was stupid enough to tell someone about it rather than giving you great service. Or it could be that your reports became repetitive and you said the same exact thing about too many different restaurants. Follow Cassie's instructions and ask the project manager directly, you may or may not get an answer. But getting reinstated is unlikely.
You are an Independent Contractor. All that stuff you scrolled through and didn't read when you signed up with them, explains, among other things, they can choose not to use your services at any time for any reason - and they do not have to explain to you their reasoning, no matter how much you beg. I am amazed at how many people don't get this. This is a business. You are in business. Instead of allowing it to drive you crazy, move on. Don't be difficult, or else you'll give them a reason to get rid of you altogether.
You made a lot of ASSumptions there, ServiceAward. I am amazed at how in your haste to get worked up (yet again,) you attributed things to me that I never wrote.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2024 04:41AM by whataboutpromblaine.
@ServiceAward wrote:

You are an Independent Contractor. All that stuff you scrolled through and didn't read when you signed up with them, explains, among other things, they can choose not to use your services at any time for any reason - and they do not have to explain to you their reasoning, no matter how much you beg. I am amazed at how many people don't get this. This is a business. You are in business. Instead of allowing it to drive you crazy, move on. Don't be difficult, or else you'll give them a reason to get rid of you altogether.

100% agree with this.

To the OP:
Why would they ban you? Could be that you were ID'd as the shopper somehow. They don't have to tell you why or reply to your emails.
Has it happened to anyone else? I don't know which restaurant client you're referring to, but John here was banned from cell phone shops. I'm sure that others have been banned. They don't have to tell you why.

If you persist, they will either tell you why, or they will likely ban you outright. It's up to you if you want to risk that?
@whataboutpromblaine wrote:

You made a lot of ASSumptions there, ServiceAward. I am amazed at how in your haste to get worked up (yet again,) you attributed things to me that I never wrote.

If people want to do things that ban them from shops, by all means keep doing it. That's no way to run a business, and people that cannot separate the business world from personal feelings or the need to know, will get run over and fail.

I've had to fire people before because it made business sense. The same with not giving someone a job. I did not owe an explanation in either of those situations.

I have close family who worked for several years for a heating and air company. The owner decided to sell to another company. Everybody found out the day before the deal closed. My family was angry because the owner did not tell them in advance. I told them the same thing - get over it, it is business. The owner did not owe his employees any explanation and did not owe them a heads-up they were selling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2024 06:15AM by ServiceAward.
Whoa. The OP just asked if anyone else had a similar experience who might be able to give some insight as to why they were banned. That's all. No need for a dogpile.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2024 10:36AM by mystery2me.
Thank you for actually reading my post , mystery2me, as opposed to some who read INTO my post. I never said I was emailing them every day demanding that I was DUE an explanation. I asked if it had happened to anyone else. Jesus.
@whataboutpromblaine wrote:

Thank you for actually reading my post , mystery2me, as opposed to some who read INTO my post. I never said I was emailing them every day demanding that I was DUE an explanation. I asked if it had happened to anyone else. Jesus.

No need to use the Lord’s name in vain.

You have 15 posts here.
So far:
Banned from a restaurant chain
Banned from Visa shops
Banned from Presto (could refer to Visa shops)
Flake citation from BARE

So perhaps a moment of reflection is warranted?

No, I had nothing better to do than to spend 60 seconds researching and reading 15 posts this morning.
it's a legit gripe....but whatabout should move on....welcome to IPSOS.....the black hole of MSC communication....
I've been banned from some cell phone shops. They refuse to lift the ban. On just one shop I was noticed as a mystery shop. IPSOS banned me from ALL of those cell phone shops. Most of those shops are not being picked up. I asked them to remove the ban and I'll do the shops. The refuse to lift the ban....so the shops will not get done. They've been on the board for several weeks. It seems they don't care.
Cardboard Fred! OMGosh! I am rolling! Too funny!

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Could you have also hit the max on a round of shops? Do they still do that? I think I saw where at times there were a max of 30 per round on some shops.
@BayShopper22 wrote:

@whataboutpromblaine wrote:

Thank you for actually reading my post , mystery2me, as opposed to some who read INTO my post. I never said I was emailing them every day demanding that I was DUE an explanation. I asked if it had happened to anyone else. Jesus.

No need to use the Lord’s name in vain.

You have 15 posts here.
So far:
Banned from a restaurant chain
Banned from Visa shops
Banned from Presto (could refer to Visa shops)
Flake citation from BARE

So perhaps a moment of reflection is warranted?

No, I had nothing better to do than to spend 60 seconds researching and reading 15 posts this morning.

If you have time to kill tomorrow morning, you could always see how many times john has bemoaned his cell phone shop ban.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I have to tell you all that I learn SO much from this forum. Things I would never know about are often explained in the questions we ask. Thank you all so much for taking the time to let us know about different little things.
Some places have a 30 day minimum between visits, but they also make you wait 60 days between different types of visits (drive-thru, dine-in, etc) for one location. I'm thinking if you were banned from a certain type of shop, you wouldn't see the existence of the shop to begin with, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2024 12:07AM by jp43209.
@jp43209 wrote:

Some places have a 30 day minimum between visits, but they also make you wait 60 days between different types of visits (drive-thru, dine-in, etc) for one location. I'm thinking if you were banned from a certain type of shop, you wouldn't see the existence of the shop to begin with, right?

I'm banned from some IPSOS phone shops, but the dates show up as being available. I click on the date and I get a message this shop is no available. I was told I've been banned from these shops. The shops stay up there for weeks, no one taking them
John you got banned from the IPSOS phone shops? This is the first we've heard about this!!!
@ServiceAward wrote:

You are an Independent Contractor. All that stuff you scrolled through and didn't read when you signed up with them, explains, among other things, they can choose not to use your services at any time for any reason - and they do not have to explain to you their reasoning, no matter how much you beg. I am amazed at how many people don't get this. This is a business. You are in business. Instead of allowing it to drive you crazy, move on. Don't be difficult, or else you'll give them a reason to get rid of you altogether.

Always a source of inspiration and information…
@Cassiespark wrote:

John you got banned from the IPSOS phone shops? This is the first we've heard about this!!!

Sadly it appears there is someone at IPSOS, if you make just one mistake, they ban you from those shops. I've seen this happen in companies. I worked for a company for 30 years, seen people let go because a manager wanted to feel important.

Sadly the shops could have been done weeks ago by me, but now they just sit there on the board.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2024 02:32AM by johnb974.
It is truly amazing that you were banned. I can't believe that this is the first time I have heard that you were banned given how often you post here! Why have you been hiding this sad story? Imagine getting banned by IPSOS and no longer being able to do phone shops. How crass, to ban such a reputable shopper! Have you tried appealing?
@johnb974 wrote:

@Cassiespark wrote:

John you got banned from the IPSOS phone shops? This is the first we've heard about this!!!

Sadly it appears there is someone at IPSOS, if you make just one mistake, they ban you from those shops. I've seen this happen in companies. I worked for a company for 30 years, seen people let go because a manager wanted to feel important.

Sadly the shops could have been done weeks ago by me, but now they just sit there on the board.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
@myst4au wrote:

It is truly amazing that you were banned. I can't believe that this is the first time I have heard that you were banned given how often you post here! Why have you been hiding this sad story?

Oh! The dry irony of it all!!! smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2024 03:25PM by guysmom.
Yes, we know. You have been posting about this ban for weeks. Its really time to move forward. I think you'll feel better! IPSOS is who they are. Dwelling on theses phone shops that are no more is letting them take up space in your brain that they don't deserve. Promise.

@johnb974 wrote:

@Cassiespark wrote:

John you got banned from the IPSOS phone shops? This is the first we've heard about this!!!

Sadly it appears there is someone at IPSOS, if you make just one mistake, they ban you from those shops. I've seen this happen in companies. I worked for a company for 30 years, seen people let go because a manager wanted to feel important.

Sadly the shops could have been done weeks ago by me, but now they just sit there on the board.
@whataboutpromblaine wrote:

Ipsos banned me from doing shops for a popular restaurant chain. They didn't tell me I was banned but whenever I try to apply for a shop, I get "this shop is not available." I never got a reason for the ban and they have ignored my email asking why. I've never flaked on a shop. Plus, I looked up all my completed reports for this restaurant chain and I've never received a grade lower than a 9 on any of the reports. A huge majority of my grades were 10s. Any idea why they might've banned me? I'm asking here because they won't reply to my emails. Has this happened to anyone else?

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