Do these MSC companies bait and switch?

This morning I applied for 3 automotive service type assignments # $3/call. Thinking that these call would not take long and the reports would be fairly easy.

However, I just got ONE assignment and that was for a New Car Inquiry. The report had 'story' like narrative requirement after every second or third questions.

This company also does not have online system to decline an assignment. Had to call their toll free number and leave a detailed message.

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yeah i avoid phone shops... they are like the plague.. they generally are never easy and poorly paid... they think just cause you dont have to go anywhere they can pay you for pennies...

surprisingly enough the only easy phone shops i found were for CRI... they were only 2 bucks a piece but took less than 10 min to complete... now i see they have been droppped to 1 dollar..

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Yeah, I said I was interested and they signed me up for 10 of them to do 2 a day for a week. No thanks, I've got an 8 year old and a 4 year old and the bulk of the tape would probably consist of a "loud whisper" of LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE FOR 2 SECONDS - I'M ON THE DAMN PHONE!"
I will NEVER do these again. The car salesman took my number off the caller ID and called me a bout a week later, pressuring me to come in and do a test drive. When I called the dealership to complain, the manager acted like I was bothering him because I had called to complain. The second one was a web inquiry, and they set me up a "customer website!" I got like 15 emails the first day! So never again.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington
I do those occasionally Jaos - and set up a junk email for that purpose and then never use it again. I wish there was an option to go back and say "he's driving me crazy - not good customer service" and fail them on it.
"The car salesman took my number off the caller ID and called me a bout a week later, pressuring me to come in and do a test drive."

The easiest way to stop your number from being sent (on cell+land) is to dial *67+the number you are calling to. *67 = "*Off Screen"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2011 02:29AM by anakin.
Or once you have the number, block them. I finally did it with some contractors who keep calling even though we not only chose other contractors but finished the project a month ago.
The recorded calls are great. They don't want you to spend more than 5 minutes on the phone and then you can listen to the call and transcribe it for the narrative. The form is short and may take another 10 minutes At
$5 for 15 minutes, I figure it is $20 an hour, more that other shops.
I am currently doing the new car ones for Bestmark for $3. Not a fortune by any means, but not terribly hard either. However I don't like the calls back from the over eager sales people.

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