Bare International Phone and Web Shops

Is anyone else having problems accessing the phone and web shops for Bare? It's been happening for a week for me now (with multiple web browsers).

When I click on the black bar on their job board that says "Web & Phone Shops - Click bar to access assignments that do not require physical visit" nothing happens.

I've received a couple of emails from them about new phone jobs, but I can't access them. Is it just me? (Again, I have tried multiple browsers)

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I have been having the same issue for the past week. I can see the phone shops if I expand the small arrow. However, I can not see the regular shop listings. I also tried a different browser and my phone, but no luck. I was wondering if it was just me or if I should contact their help desk? I see there are shops available through their emails, but I can not view them on Bare's website.
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