Dr. Kombucha Merchandising Project

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Yes. They're very easy so long as the store manager is cooperative. I had one deny me cooler access once.
They were all too far for me and sounded like due to the weight of the items, should be done by an employee or someone covered under workman's comp insurance. Anything that requires heavy lifting, loading and unloading in the back area of a store, I am a going to scrutinize a little further. And, having to track down a manager and the items can take a while, so I usually estimate that whole process to be about 20 mins before I can even get to work.
I sometimes will ask to see a copy of the work order before accepting a new project because some of these are much more work than they look like at the surface.
Thank you. 15 to 20 minutes, is what it states.
I figured it could not be so quick, with having to retrieve
the product. $12 fee offered (too low for any work).
Feels like a $30 + shop. Again, thanks smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley
@claabe wrote:

Thank you. 15 to 20 minutes, is what it states.
I figured it could not be so quick, with having to retrieve
the product. $12 fee offered (too low for any work).
Feels like a $30 + shop. Again, thanks smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley

You can very easily double that time.
I don't know why this MSC says 15-20 minutes. Since most, if not all, work is done on an app, it's easy to compute an average time per job and give us realistic time frame.
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