Shops for haircuts?

I guess all I can say is that when you think you're doing everything right but it keeps coming up wrong

-didn't check the receipt
-didn't report that no, the cashier didn't check my basket
-didn't research to make sure you'd make money on a shop

it's time to take a deep breath and look in the mirror. You most likely will find the problem there. I'm sure your "friends" are thanking you for making more shops available for them.

I'll just post this here and not in the two (so far) other places where you posted the same diatribe.

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littlelilybud Wrote:

> The guys behind this company are not professional.
> I did well over 30 shops for them, and I have
> been a mystery shopper for more than five years,
> almost always bringing in a flawless 10 report for
> other companies as well. And I am SO proud to say
> that I QUIT SHOPPING FOR Secret Shopper!!

Clearly, you are not a good fit with this company - which, by the way, I like a lot - so you have done the right thing to stop shopping for them. As independent contractors, we determine who we shop for, when we shop, and which jobs we accept. If a job does not pay enough, we can just not accept it. If we do not enjoy the experience of working with a particular MSP, we can not work for them any more. There are some MSPs with great reviews on the forums who are adored by other posters that I will not shop with for various reasons of my own. Nonpayment or late payment (or if I have to beg for the money I have already earned) makes me definitely scratch a company off my shopping list.

As for SecretShopper, I have also done well over 30 shops for them. I take as many of their shops as I can because their shops are easy to self-schedule, the reports are fast and easy, and the shops I do for them usually pay a flat fee, out of which I make a purchase, so I determine how much I make on the shop. I have had absolutely NO direct contact with SecretShopper, which is fine with me .... I shop, submit the report, they post "good report - thanks" on my home page .... and then - a REALLY BIG thing to me - I get paid - timely, with a check because that is my preference, and without having to contact them to ask for my money.
Well I'm convinced, just signed up with Secret Shopper, nice handful of shops in my area! :-)
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