littlelilybud Wrote:
> The guys behind this company are not professional.
> I did well over 30 shops for them, and I have
> been a mystery shopper for more than five years,
> almost always bringing in a flawless 10 report for
> other companies as well. And I am SO proud to say
> that I QUIT SHOPPING FOR Secret Shopper!!
Clearly, you are not a good fit with this company - which, by the way, I like a lot - so you have done the right thing to stop shopping for them. As independent contractors, we determine who we shop for, when we shop, and which jobs we accept. If a job does not pay enough, we can just not accept it. If we do not enjoy the experience of working with a particular MSP, we can not work for them any more. There are some MSPs with great reviews on the forums who are adored by other posters that I will not shop with for various reasons of my own. Nonpayment or late payment (or if I have to beg for the money I have already earned) makes me definitely scratch a company off my shopping list.
As for SecretShopper, I have also done well over 30 shops for them. I take as many of their shops as I can because their shops are easy to self-schedule, the reports are fast and easy, and the shops I do for them usually pay a flat fee, out of which I make a purchase, so I determine how much I make on the shop. I have had absolutely NO direct contact with SecretShopper, which is fine with me .... I shop, submit the report, they post "good report - thanks" on my home page .... and then - a REALLY BIG thing to me - I get paid - timely, with a check because that is my preference, and without having to contact them to ask for my money.