I think the attitude @wrosie referred to was one of "Give me something for nothing."
Let me word it this way. Tell us where you are and what shops are in your area. This way when I come to your area, I can take shops you do.
If you are a savvy IC, you would tell me where you live is none of my business, and for me to do my own research to find shops. That's not being rude. That's protecting your business as a contractor.
I suddenly lost my job in 2013. I had no idea what I was going to do. By God's grace I found a message board similar to this one, and I read posts that educated me on mystery shopping. Just like this board, that one had a list of shopping companies. I put my big boy pants on and signed up with probably 20 of them. I figured out how it worked, and learned over time what companies had shops in my area. There was no need to ask someone for a fish, when the people on the board posted messages on how to fish. The others have told you how to fish. Contractually, that's all any of us can do.
The better question you should have asked is, "Does anybody know if any sports teams are shopped?" That would simply be asking if an industry is shopped. Someone might give you that information.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2024 03:43AM by ServiceAward.