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The forum does not allow us to reveal the clients of mystery shopping companies.
This is because most mystery shopping companies require us to agree to that stipulation when we sign an agreement with them.
A practical reason is it changes over time. Clients change companies.
Most of us don't know who has shops in TX. I'm in AB ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Sign up for companies and check their job boards.

Welcome to the Forum!
I lived in Dallas for 34 years. I don't like your attitude for having something given to you. I never shopped any of the sports teams. But there are lots of excellent shops in Dallas and the suburbs. Sign up with the MSCs on this website. Several are headquartered in Irving.
I don't know if Jack in the Box is still shopped but guessing from your post you should love doing them for the free food.
Put the work in. Dallas and the suburbs were flush with shops. Not really where I wanted them, but never sports teams.
Thank you for responding. I am not sure what attitude you are referring to. Someone referred me to this forum to ask my question, as I don’t live in that area and am not sure about the companies. I was planning to travel out that way. So, I was just following the advice received.

Perhaps you could consider that some people are only looking for help and don’t see it as looking for something free.

Being rude doesn’t help anyone and doesn’t make you look very kind either.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
I think the attitude @wrosie referred to was one of "Give me something for nothing."

Let me word it this way. Tell us where you are and what shops are in your area. This way when I come to your area, I can take shops you do.

If you are a savvy IC, you would tell me where you live is none of my business, and for me to do my own research to find shops. That's not being rude. That's protecting your business as a contractor.

I suddenly lost my job in 2013. I had no idea what I was going to do. By God's grace I found a message board similar to this one, and I read posts that educated me on mystery shopping. Just like this board, that one had a list of shopping companies. I put my big boy pants on and signed up with probably 20 of them. I figured out how it worked, and learned over time what companies had shops in my area. There was no need to ask someone for a fish, when the people on the board posted messages on how to fish. The others have told you how to fish. Contractually, that's all any of us can do.

The better question you should have asked is, "Does anybody know if any sports teams are shopped?" That would simply be asking if an industry is shopped. Someone might give you that information.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2024 03:43AM by ServiceAward.
As with anything on the internet, you are going to run into ornery people.

@Mysteryshoppinma wrote:

Thank you for responding. I am not sure what attitude you are referring to. Someone referred me to this forum to ask my question, as I don’t live in that area and am not sure about the companies. I was planning to travel out that way. So, I was just following the advice received.

Perhaps you could consider that some people are only looking for help and don’t see it as looking for something free.

Being rude doesn’t help anyone and doesn’t make you look very kind either.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
In NYC, Intelli Shop does some major sports places. Not sure about Texas, but maybe there too.
Texas Rangers are shopped. I don't know about the Astros.
Were you looking for baseball or some other sport?
The company I use for local sports shops does not have any listed in Texas so I am unable to help other than to tell you it isn't service scouts.
This makes my stomach churn. @ ServiceAward How would s/he know this? S/he asked an innocent question and I'm sure didn't expect this kind of reception. @Mysteryshoppinma thank you for handling this with class.

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2024 10:24PM by stilllearning.
Depending on your age, HS Brands does alcohol compliance shops at stadiums. As I am a couple decades outside the age window, I don't know exactly what they entail, but from looking at the pay, they are almost definitely extensive. About 12 years ago, I did stadium shops with a now-defunct mystery shopping company. It involved multiple (around ten, I believe) purchases from different vendors and shops, but by planning carefully, I was able to complete the shop and still watch most of the game. I assume similar shops must periodically come up (without an under 30 requirement), but I haven't seen them in my area in the past year.
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