Can one reset their CX Group Password?

Can one reset their CX Group Password? I'm getting an error that my password is not correct. I cannot find a place to reset it.

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@Mellifluy wrote:

There is a "forgot password" button under Password. []

Thank you. I did not see that on the page I was using. I went to the link you provided and realized I was trying to log in as a client. sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2024 01:23AM by ServiceAward.
CX Group will force you to change your password periodically. I don't remember the time frame between, but I've been forced to change mine outside of my personal schedule twice. I think (not sure) it doesn't matter how often you change it naturally on your own, they still require you to change it on their schedule.
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