Presto Visa DEBIT card shops

You just need to photo the shelf showing no price tag. Mine was accepted as it states if no price tags take photo showing there are none.

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I walk in pretending to be on the phone with someone and buying the second otem for them. Ibreally just have my camera open and will poffer to take a pic ofvthe menu for them or selection
It works great especially when you pay separately.
@salisburync wrote:

Also, has anyone else noticed the (new) proliferation of glass pipi/bong/banger shops for this VISA thing? I have seen four or five of them in my urban area, but just don't think I am YOUNG enough (or maybe I need a redneck makeover!) for these shops!

yes, I'm going to do a couple of the smoke shops when I go North later in the week. I need more edibles for my pain. I'm almost out of my blueberry gummies that I bought in August last year. And it's going to get warm again soon, so the pain will get worse.
They have heavily bonused shops in Sassie. I just took one for a total $35 fee, and may take two more than are nearby. Nice that you can actually see the location name without having to go into the shop and then reject it if you don't want to do it like in Presto. Also noticed that there is wording saying that for a salon, you just make one purchase and get reimbursed up to $20. No cash purchase required.

I've done several of these over the years and the only ones that got rejected were the ones where I foolishly used a credit card instead of debit card.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2024 05:28AM by MisterBill.
Mister Bill...if you have done several and not been rejected, consider yourself fortunate!
I've avoided these like the plague the last few months after several nonsensical rejections and email conversations with editors. However, I dove back in this week since they are so nicely bonused, and all 4 I completed on Presto were approved within hours. I was inspired by the poster here who mentioned getting a mani, pedi and wax as part of this, and I followed suite. Free self care and some cash! I did one on Sassie that is still pending review 5 days later, but it was for a permanently closed location so not anticipating any problems with that one - although sort of dying to see if they grace me with $1 or $5 for my time! I'm happy to see that the MSC seems to have listened/read all the feedback and made some changes. Hoorah!
I've done a ton of these since they first appeared months ago. I've had good receipts, bad receipts, handwritten receipts and no receipts. All were accepted. But then, I followed the guidelines, took the required photos, bought priced items where available and explained when they weren't. Amazing what a difference that makes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2024 11:54PM by panama18.
@panama18 wrote:

I've done a ton of these since they first appeared months ago. I've had good receipts, bad receipts, handwritten receipts and no receipts. All were accepted. But then, I followed the guidelines, took the required photos, bought priced items where available and explained when they weren't. Amazing what a difference that makes.

And many of us here did the same thing, still with rejections. So consider yourself lucky.
So far.. my son and I have only had one rejected. And it was because he didn't understand what they were asking for when they returned the shop for another picture (that he actually had). We did another chinese food place this afternoon, it was accepted before we made it back home.
I did a pair of these shops today but they were on SASSIE, not Presto.

Just about anything that could go wrong did, and I ended up leaving the second location while fearing for my safety.

I emailed the MSC and added as many details in the reports as I could. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the MSC won't reject the shops but whatever will be, will be.
On one of my pair of shops from hell today, the first cashier did something bad and so my two receipts didn't match. So, I found another priced item and made a second set of purchases, only for that cashier to mess up, too! So, I found yet another priced item and made a THIRD set of purchases! FINALLY -- USEABLE RECEIPTS!

I sure hope that bonused shop is accepted!

@ddeblois wrote:

Same here identical iems but cashier decided to only charge .50 for an item on one even though it was on both and no mention of upcharge. Out my time, cost of items I give away. I am the first one to walk away from a shop I did incorrectly as I dont expect to be paid if I missed a photo. I just wish they would be better at understanding what is not in our control.
I got a rejection on mine because the owner asked what kind of cheese I wanted on my Ham & Cheese I asked what do you have and requested Provolone when she listed it. There was a .50 charge for the cheese. Not supposed to add on items????
@ddeblois wrote:

I got a rejection on mine because the owner asked what kind of cheese I wanted on my Ham & Cheese I asked what do you have and requested Provolone when she listed it. There was a .50 charge for the cheese. Not supposed to add on items????
Well you're supposed to purchase a single item. Seems like you should have complained about the upcharge. Was it listed on both receipts?
I just did one where I was charged .50 for ranch, even though I did not request ranch. It was accepted.
These have been great but it's finally getting to slim pickings with the fees now at $35. The only locations left in my area are the worst of the worst....and nail salons. The hair salons were great because they had products to purchase. The nail salons don't and I'm not interested in paying for a service there.
@Snuffycuts99 wrote:

These have been great but it's finally getting to slim pickings with the fees now at $35. The only locations left in my area are the worst of the worst....and nail salons. The hair salons were great because they had products to purchase. The nail salons don't and I'm not interested in paying for a service there.

I've been to a couple of hair salons and they are so high end that the cheapest product is $50. The fee + reimbursement still isn't high enough for me to risk getting a rejection. I don't need overpriced shampoo that badly. smiling smiley
@Snuffycuts99 wrote:

These have been great but it's finally getting to slim pickings with the fees now at $35. The only locations left in my area are the worst of the worst....and nail salons. The hair salons were great because they had products to purchase. The nail salons don't and I'm not interested in paying for a service there.
I have a couple of delis near me that are still available, but I am waiting to have my first one approved before taking another.
Cassie - I loved your post...Now, if only there was a shop which wanted to measure how FAST a salon could be emptied of staff once they got a look at my feet for the upsoming Pedi......!(smirk)...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2024 08:00PM by salisburync.
Yes it does appear the shopper masses have been heard.

Doesn't/didn't the MSC farm out their editing? If they did, perhaps they saw the folly in that decision.

Along with the special pay that is not a bonus to pay for things the normal reimbursement wouldn't cover. However I found that is still subject to the editors disgression.

Lowest item on menu of $10 didn't qualify for that not a bonus money. So $2 plus tip came out of pocket at the restaurant. Per transaction.
We all need to hear more unbelievable and outrageous Presto/Visa stories! I feel pretty confident that there are many out's one...a heavily bonused shop at a gym...which sold expensive vitamins and drinks, but did not issue receipts of any kind... I finally cajoled them into sending me an email receipt.....didn't work for Presto, tho', as their small little minds just couldn't understand. I got my 6th "Sorry, John" email...
I will never touch these small business shops again y'all can have it.. I will stick to my car counting, bp, site inspections and cell phone shops.
These are getting approved quickly now! I did three today and all three were approved within 15 minutes of shop completion. I couldn't believe it!
I love deadlines. And I've loved these shops. They've been fantastic. I'm still finding a few decent options left on the board.
I hope we get a new batch of businesses when these are complete. I do feel bad for the business owners, as everything in the corporate world seems geared to make them fail. But they need to know and play by the rules.
From what I'm seeing, the high-paying locations have all been pulled. New - but previously tested - locations have posted at the starter fee.
@sestrahelena wrote:

From what I'm seeing, the high-paying locations have all been pulled. New - but previously tested - locations have posted at the starter fee.

They started at $10, this time around they are starting at $14. Not nearly as many locations.
oooo, did we get new ones? I'll go look, but I'm not doing anything for less than $20.
Store makes it's own sausage on the premise. What do yo think my chances of getting two EXACTLY the same weight. Same with anything sold by the pound at the meat counter.

Oh, did I forget to mention it's a butcher shop?

They do sell condiments, but if I do one of these, I'd rather max out the reimbursement if possible to make it almost worth doing.
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