Long time shopper, always forget about this forum.
So... these shops have really changed requirements over the past couple years and the vague guidelines really don't make any of the changes clear, so you just get to roll the $ dice and find out the reviewer rejection way.
Anyway, overall I've made some good money off these shops, but like many of you, I've had shops rejected randomly for reasons not stated in the guidelines, for adhering to previous guidelines even when the new ones didn't make a change explicit, and also sometimes even when I followed the guidelines but the day ended in y.
(sorry I don't remember timing of all these changes, been doing these shops since whenever they started)
For stores with nothing under $8:
-->BEFORE: In the beginning, if a location didn't have items under $8, you could PROVE IT concretely w your photos/narrative and buy the next lowest priced item. So a pricey beauty store with nothing under $8, you could find the next lowest priced $20 shampoo and get reimbursed for $20 x 2, total $40, with clearly documented photos supporting that was the lowest priced item. (Support would be a photo showing the shelf of items, including the one u bought and it was the lowest price item. And none of your other photos show anything with a lower price. Also, hypothetically, a reviewer could call the place to verify whether they have anything cheaper so you would be honest about this as with anything you do when mystery shopping.)
-->NOW: No. They only reimburse max $8 per item even if the lowest priced item in the store is $50. That's it. Good day, sir! (IF the store requires a minimum purchase, then you get a whoppin max $10 per item...see next.) So, u go to that beauty store and get those $20 shampoos, you are getting only $8 reimbursement per shampoo. (And maybe that's worth it for you cuz u were going to buy the stuff anyway, it smells better than Pert Plus. But I bet this whole reimbursement change has tripped up a lot of shoppers and cost them $$.)
-->THEN: Previously, whenever a retailer had a minimum purchase amount for using a card, then you would be reimbursed for whatever items you had to buy to meet that minimum, x 2. So, if retailer required $15 min to pay with a card, you might buy two $8.50 sandwiches each purchase and get reimb $17 per purchase, total of $34. As long as both receipts identical and everything documented in narrative.
-->NOW: No. Apparently, now even when there is a minimum purchase amount it's just MAX $10 per purchase reimbursement flat, regardless of the retailer minimum purchase amount requirements. So, the retailer requires $15 min purchase and you spend $16 to meet it, you are still only getting $10. Fun.
ALSO: NOW: according to my shop rejections, there also HAS to be signage proving it! (?) So if the cashier at the c-store tells you verbally its a $10 min to use a card, BUT no signage states that (this happens a lot at random little stores to me) GOOD LUCK, cuz ___ will say "nah" on that and only give you the $8 per purchase, you can forget that extra $2.
Example phrasing:: "If there are ANY items or services under $8, you MUST must purchase something under $8, even if there are other items you prefer that are over $8. YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED OR PAID at all if you do not follow this rule."
Example phrasing:: "When the retailer requires a minimum purchase amount when paying with a debit card, we ONLY reimburse a maximum **$20 total for both purchases combined**, regardless of the amount of the minimum purchase requirement or the pricing of items in the store. AND: In order to qualify for this increased reimbursement, you must PROVE IT with a picture of a sign showing the minimum purchase minimum requirement AND amount."