Presto Visa DEBIT card shops

@GeeDeeUu wrote:

They said I had to buy an item with a price sticker on it in the case by the register. None of the items on the sales floor had shelf tags. The guidelines state to buy ONE item with the price clearly displayed on the shelf or the menu board. The words "clearly displaced on the shelf or the menu board" are underlined. The denial said the guidelines states that I have to buy an item with a sticker on it. It is not in the guidelines.
That's odd. I've bought stuff that wasn't priced, even stuff that didn't ring up as expected (t was concerned that one would be rejected but it wasn't). If was at a bakery, and I included a picture of it showing that there was no price and I made clear in my comments what the situation was. I find that is one of the most important things with these shops. Get the required photos, write it up in the format they show in the sample, and explain anything out of the ordinary, like your (or my) situation of no price showing.

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Right to both post Gee & Misterbill. You can buy an unpriced item with photos and explanations but if any of the photos accidentally show ANYTHING with a price on it (such as a candy bucket at the register saying "25c each" or a cigarette display behind the counter showing prices) those are the things you would have had to buy. Whether you want them or not. In other words, you have to make sure that no prices show in any pictures - even the building picture that may have a cigarette ad showing a price of less than $8.
This was not stated in the guidelines of any Visa debit shops that I have completed. Maybe we are referring to different shops.

@sestrahelena wrote:

Right to both post Gee & Misterbill. You can buy an unpriced item with photos and explanations but if any of the photos accidentally show ANYTHING with a price on it (such as a candy bucket at the register saying "25c each" or a cigarette display behind the counter showing prices) those are the things you would have had to buy. Whether you want them or not. In other words, you have to make sure that no prices show in any pictures - even the building picture that may have a cigarette ad showing a price of less than $8.
I understand this, but it should be in the guidelines. It is not very ethical to deny a shop for a reason that is not in the guidelines. I would not have gone to this sketchy, out of the way, convenience store if I had known it would have been denied for a reason not stated in their guidelines. I see why there are several posts about this on this thread.
It sounds like I got lucky and dodged a bullitt! You are correct, this is not in the guildelines that I read! Some of these are straightforward and easy (i.e. the small restaurants with a menu board), but like you stated, the sketchy hemp shops are not as straightforward. I picked one up that was bounused and found hemp shampoo and conditioner not near the front case and it luckily had a price posted, but many of the items did not. I do not trust any edibles or gummys from these places.

@GeeDeeUu wrote:

I understand this, but it should be in the guidelines. It is not very ethical to deny a shop for a reason that is not in the guidelines. I would not have gone to this sketchy, out of the way, convenience store if I had known it would have been denied for a reason not stated in their guidelines. I see why there are several posts about this on this thread.
@GeeDeeUu wrote:

I understand this, but it should be in the guidelines. It is not very ethical to deny a shop for a reason that is not in the guidelines... it would have been denied for a reason not stated in their guidelines.

It is not in the guidelines, nor is this MSC ethical in any way as regards shoppers. You take your chances with them on every project, every time. They are lax on full shopper intructions and enthusiastic about rejections. That's their business model. That's how they roll.
Wow! I am sorry this happened but glad I read this. I have take on several of these that made sense based upon location, fee or product to purchase. I will be on guard in the future.
A couple of local shops showed up so I took one (wasn't interested in the second one). I got a couple of smoothies and was under $8 so I left a small tip to max out the reimbursement. The shop got approved in a couple of hours and I got paid for the tips.
Not many shops in my area this month, but the remaining ones went up to $25 yesterday. Did one today near me that I'd been resisting at $14.

Update: a bunch of new ones just got posted at $14!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2025 09:38PM by MisterBill.
I saw one for $25 today. But not where I am, and not where I had intended to go to today.

I'll look again tomorrow before I leave. I only have one grocery shop that I mistakenly did on the wrong day, so I get to do it over again, all by itself, for no good reason other than I made a mess of my calendar, and I don't really know how it happened. It would be nice if I could make a paying day out of a losing $$ day, even if it's only $25.
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