JM Ridgeway help

I know that Nikki no longer schedules for them, but the damage is done. I saw a post on Faciebutts and went to look to see what is available. One of my favorite places to eat is available and it's "self-assign" and says I'm eligible for self assign, but it won't let me.

So, If anyone knows the email address of someone who can fix the damage that Nikki has done. Please let me know. It doesn't really matter how quickly they pay, as long as they pay. It's food I really like, and I'd really like to make a couple extra pennies while I'm eating it..

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Frank's last name is Kneisley. He's the CEO. Scott Ridgway is the President. Frank is the right person to contact about this.
I sent the email this morning. I haven't heard anything yet. I'd be willing to bet that I have just been ignored. Waiting.. but not hopeful.
Don't give up hope yet. Frank often replies after one day.
@Morledzep wrote:

I sent the email this morning. I haven't heard anything yet. I'd be willing to bet that I have just been ignored. Waiting.. but not hopeful.
You're right. Oops. I meant to type, "Frank at Ridgway". Thanks for clarifying that for the OP.
@BusyBeeBuzzBuzzBuzz wrote:

Frank's last name is Kneisley. He's the CEO. Scott Ridgway is the President. Frank is the right person to contact about this.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
No worries. I hope Morledzep gets a response soon. Despite multiple negative posts about Frank, I have no issues communicating with him and he is actually my favorite person at JMR. He's pretty much the only one I will shop for at JMR now. I recently communicated with a JMR scheduler I shopped for for years. The experience was so negative that her emails are now filtered to my spam folder.
Still nothing.. It's only been a little over 24 hours. I'm trying to be patient, but I really like fried chicken.
They have fried chicken shops in your area? Not here! The only project I do for JMR now is not food-related.
yep buzz, Southern Themed fried chicken, with fried okra and fried pickles. And they play good rock n roll inside the restaurant.
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