I completed an evaluation a few days ago and it took a full 2 1/2 hours. I have done several of these and I do things to make it as efficient possible such as organizing all the pictures, having my receipts right here, etc.
The report are just so detailed and for me it is unrealistic I’m going to remember exact quotes from all the people dealt with. Honestly I make stuff up. Not to the extent that I’m totally fabricating things, but I make things up to the extent that I’m capturing the general gist of what really happened. I am a detail oriented person. In fact, my regular full-time job mandates attention to detail on a daily basis.
These restaurant shops are great for me because they do offer a generous reimbursement and these are typically really nice restaurants that are only five minutes from my house so in that respect, I feel like it’s kind of worth it. But every time I spend 2+ hours on the report, I say to myself this is the last one.
I even use ChatGPT to help jumpstart many of these narrative which get redundant quickly.
Fellow mystery shoppers, how long are you spending on these reports? Anyone else give up on Coyle? I’ve never had a shop rejected so there’s that.
Edit: if you are familiar with Coyle, you know they want actual quotes of things that people said. Like, you are using quotation marks in your narrative. I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there who actually remembers word for word what people said during the course of an entire dining experience evaluation.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2024 08:26PM by MS007.