I did a high end retailer for CXG this week.
The report said I needed to take a photo of the front of the store. Well, the store is in an upscale mall and the store has no doors- the sales floor opens to the mall- When I entered there were 4 sales associates all staring at the mall entrance. When I left the same 4 were there staring making taking a photo of the front of the store impossible without being outed. I took a photo of the side of the store which included merchandise clearly displayed as well as a photo of a large hanging sign with the company name from a side angle to avoid being seen.
The Advisor as they want them called did not give me a business card BUT wrote her name and number as well as details on the products we discussed on a card which had the company logo on it
The shop is sitting in "pending review" and I am concerned that it will be rejected.
When I did the report there were questions as to whether the report was too long, too confusing, etc. and I honestly said that it was redundant and also too long. I wonder if my honesty is biting me in the rear - perhaps they are insulted by what I wrote and not going to approve the shop.
I have written to the scheduler and hope for a reply. Then again I wrote to him 3 times when I had issues passing the test and no reply. Darn foreign company!
Has anyone else had any issues with this company?
Personally, I will never do another report for them. Too much work and such a hassle with lack of communication.
And the insulting question as to whether I wished to donate my shop fee to charity ticked me off big time!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2024 11:53PM by SueW70.