Contact info for Ipsos Shopmetrics??????

I did 2 revealed shops for Ipsos/Shopmetrics and due to a storm disabling a cell tower, i couldnt access the online questionnaire while i was there. Thank goodness I did print the guidelines to take with me so i followed them. Apparently there were 2 pics required that were not listed in the guidelines so now I can't submit the shops!

I can not find any contact info for anyone there except the general email and no one is answering me! Does anyone have any other contact info????

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Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
I usually keep a log on who schedules for what job. I can't answer your question because I do not know your location and my schedulers may be different from yours due to our locations.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Maybe someone else will chime in or do a harder search of the forum. You may get lucky and find a good answer in one of the treads you can find under IPSOS contact.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
You can find direct contact information for the IPSOS team on the ShopMetrics site. Here's how to do it:

1. Login
2. Click on "News" on the lower left hand side of the screen
3. Click on "Team"
4. Scroll through the contacts until you find the person who has responsibility for the project you worked on (it lists their name, email and the programs they run)
5. Take the email you already sent to the general email box that no one ever answers, forward it to the contact you found in Step 4 and ask them to help since you didn't get a response to your previous message.
That is great, Cassiespark!!! I dug, but apparently not well enough. I will hang onto that info for future reference!!

I finally just added 2 random extra photos i had taken and they accepted one, and sent the other back stating that it needed a better photo (which I completely understand). Luckily it is the one that is in the town I work in so it will be easy to fix. I just didnt want to get dinged for flaking on them!
Another suggestion here - open a Word Doc, type something like "This picture was not listed as required in the Guidelines, which I had printed and used as my onsite guide. As a result, I did not take this picture. I tried to contact the general shopper support mailbox to inquire why the Guidelines and Report differ and how to resolve this, but did not receive a response."

And then take a screenshot of that and insert it in all the places where the missing pictures would go. Unlikely an Editor will love this, but it will get it submitted and maybe on to the Program Manager to review the discrepancy.
I would double-like @Cassiespark's last post, if I could. I am going to do that next time I run into an issue where I don't have a photo.

I always try to take extra photos, especially on fuel shops. If they ask for something they think is an infraction, I almost always have it in one of the extra photos.
If a project has a scheduler (most do not) their name will be listed on the shop. If no name is listed, then the contact is

Karen Holland
Independent Scheduler for Ipsos
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