Does anyone else not like GigSpot?

I don’t like to complain but I had several different MSCs that I checked and they as having good results finding things. Then I signed up for GigSpot and it automatically takes me there for some of my favorite MSCs. However, it doesn’t show hardly anything on GigSpot. I can find a lot more searching the individual MSCs. Is there a downside to just deleting my GigSpot account and just going back to individual sites? Or does anyone know of another good aggregator site for Shopmetrics accounts?

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To me, Gigspot does much better than other apps.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Hmm, well maybe I’m doing something wrong because I see only a few shops when I log in. Also jobs that I know are open (bc they show up on Jobslinger) don’t even show up on Gigspot. For example, I know there are a few jobs I qualify for with HS Brands that I haven’t chosen. They show up as open and available on Jobslinger but not on Gigspot at all. I know it can’t be that my demographics are different on the two sites bc I gave the same info on both.
Have you tried going through the HS website and scheduling the jobs? But, that is strange. Most of the time when they don't show up on one site but do the others, I've had schedulers tell me it is because someone has already taken them.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2024 04:56PM by ArkLaMissshopping.
I can see them on their own website and SASSIE, just not GigSpot. It’s weird. Hey, do you use many apps that aggregate from different companies on your phone? Also I shop in AR too. Which companies do you find that have a lot of jobs in AR? I am in Central AR so there should be lots of stuff around here but I’m new and not finding too much. Just wondering which MSCs have a lot of locations in AR ????
I think submitting shops is much easier and less time-consuming in Gigspot; however, I have experienced a similar issue when it comes to finding jobs. It does not seem that every job is listed in Gigspot, and I am missing work as a result. I have been thinking about ditching Gigspot lately and sticking to the individual MSC's websites.
IPSOS has a good bit of jobs in AR. But, being in AR you can wait a bit for them to get good and bonuses. I don't think there are a lot of us that shop in AR. I can find random jobs with other companies, but it's random.

@sdennis72 wrote:

I can see them on their own website and SASSIE, just not GigSpot. It’s weird. Hey, do you use many apps that aggregate from different companies on your phone? Also I shop in AR too. Which companies do you find that have a lot of jobs in AR? I am in Central AR so there should be lots of stuff around here but I’m new and not finding too much. Just wondering which MSCs have a lot of locations in AR ????

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Gigspot only has jobs from companies that are contracted with them. I find that it is mostly MSC that are contracted with them are smaller companies that have a hard time filling shops. IMHO There is a list of contracted shops under their My Companies. In the second place, It is almost impossible to find a way to drop out of Gigspot once you are signed up.
I tried Gigspot and promptly disposed of it. That experience led me to make the decision not to start with Presto. I have no interest in composing narrative on a phone and generally shy away from shops which do not require extensive narrative as I find them boring (and generally worthless to the client even if the client isn't swift enough to realize that qualitative data is far superior to quantitative data).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2024 12:45AM by Rousseau.
I don't mind gigspot, I just wish it would search by where you are when you open the app, instead of your home location all the time.
I like that I can hit a button to input date and time and don't have to fill those fields out separately (depending on the shop).
Looking like Gigspot and Presto are about to become necessary evils for me.

Waiting to start booking a 12-day roadtrip over spring break, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have plenty of holes to fill given the distance involved.

Fingers are crossed that a chunk of the conditional gas station reveals I've been eyeing will flip over (tomorrow's the current closing day), and that my fave flexible reimbursement jobs will post for March.

With so many gas stations having moved to the mobile platforms, I'll be amazed if I don't have to resort to them.

I may even wind up doing cellphone shops to try to optimize the pay for this trip, though the last time I was foolish enough to try that I bailed on the very first one and let over a dozen locations fall off my board.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
Gigspot is just evil.. nothing necessary about it.

Presto isn't awful, and you can still go to the MSC's websites so to see all of the shops available. And the stuff you sign up to through Presto doesn't pay less than if you do it through the MSC, you're still doing the jobs on the orange pins through the original MSC websites.
I LOATHE Gigspot. If i wanted to be in the app, i would be. I just want to go back to the company's websites.
@SuperFireFry wrote:

I LOATHE Gigspot. If i wanted to be in the app, i would be. I just want to go back to the company's websites.
Send an email to gigspot requesting they deactivate your account. It may take a couple of weeks, but they'll eventually get it taken care of.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
You can fill out Presto shops on the website page via laptop. I find it easier to fill in the times, etc.(because that stupid spinning time wheel never works right) then upload the photos from the phone.
I get almost all my shops from prestomap. so easy to see what's near me in every place I visit.
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