I'm looking for people that have been working on SQM Step tests? Last threads were so long ago they're no longer relevant.

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The last time I worked on the steps those threads were relevant. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I remember I had to jot down my answers, check which ones I was absolutely sure were correct, then take it again and change one answer.

What is your question?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2024 06:45AM by prince.
I'm getting 24/25 on Step 1 but cannot find what is obviously a trick question. To write down answers and change one a time will take forever given you get 2 chances a day.

Do you recall the answers to these questions.....these i feel could be the tricks......

10. Before your evaluation, you will need to read the Special Instructions for your assignment. Where is this information found?

15. How many guests can you bring on an assignment?

16. Unless otherwise instructed, what is the SQM Liquor Policy during restaurant evaluations?

23. Which of the following people are acceptable to bring along as a guest?
It's a long time since I did them. I don't remember. I just picked one and changed it, then saw if the score went up or down. Yup only 2 tries per day.
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