What's with RBG's <Hidden> BS?

Preface: My M. Ed. specialization is Distance (Online) Learning, so I've been trained in best practices when it comes to the presentation and collection of data and website navigation efficiency.

FWIS, this "feature" serves no purpose whatsoever, other than to force shoppers to make an extra click just to see whether or not they want to do the shop.

And while I'm ragging on RBG, the IT person who decided to make red be the primary font color on their SASSIE site should be shot, drawn-and-quartered, and then shot again just to be on the safe side.

IMNSHO, it's the most offensive site in all of SASSIE, and maybe the entire industry.

Have synthesizers, will travel...

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So why does RGB being difficult surprise you after all the bad press their schedulers have gotten here?
As I was terminated by RBG, I can not comment on their choice of colors, but the Internet wide use of light gray lettering on a white background was difficult for me until I tumbled upon a fix.
@shopperbob wrote:

As I was terminated by RBG, I can not comment on their choice of colors, but the Internet wide use of light gray lettering on a white background was difficult for me until I tumbled upon a fix.

What was your fix, Shopperbob? I have the same issue with light grey backgrounds on a field of white.

I do not know if this will work for other browsers, but it does with Firefox.

1--In the upper left hand corner of you monitor and moving to your right, there are seven words, each separated by a triple space.

2--Left click the third word-View.

3--Left click the bottom option in the drop down menu-Enter Reader View

4-The screen that appears will be in black & white, larger print and devoid of most graphics.

In the yrs. I have been using the above, only two sites had it locked out, with one being the New York Times. In addition, I have shared this with dozens of people, but one did not have the seven words in the upper left corner. I read through Firefox and found what that person needed to correct; it was a simple few second change.

Edited to add--Today, 02/10, a curious thought popped into my mind. Would the above work on a site that does not employ light gray on white? As I had never tried such, I decided to use this forum as a trial. It did not work, as Enter Reader View was not an option in the drop down menu. Next, I tried three other sites that do not use light gray on white; none had the Enter Reader View option. To my mind, a correlation would be illogical. Any thoughts?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2024 03:35AM by shopperbob.
I've assumed it is an added layer of protection to keep their client list private from bots?
As for the red, I like it. It is a nice sharp, contrast. The lettering is small, so I don't find it overwhelming and in your face. They could accomplish the same sharp contrast with a cooler color; such as, blue.

I used a similar red in my eBay listings. I've backed off of so much red because I did fell it was a bit overwhelming. Now, I limit it to highlight buyer bonuses, and use blue for my title and everything else is black.
@ServiceAward wrote:

I've assumed it is an added layer of protection to keep their client list private from bots?
As for the red, I like it. It is a nice sharp, contrast. The lettering is small, so I don't find it overwhelming and in your face. They could accomplish the same sharp contrast with a cooler color; such as, blue.

I used a similar red in my eBay listings. I've backed off of so much red because I did fell it was a bit overwhelming. Now, I limit it to highlight buyer bonuses, and use blue for my title and everything else is black.

Any bot with an iota of programming can determine the company being shopped as the addresses are given. Might the client be different, sure. But, then any MSC might list a shop to be done at, say, "Rousseau's Book Emporium," at a given address; there is no way to know if the client is actually Rousseau's Book Emporium, a competitor, Rousseau's lenders, a publisher, the state censor, or just some random student wishing to learn about bookshops owned by 18th century philosophers from Geneva.

As to the red: Ick, And there is at least one other MSC which does the red thing too -- ick to them as well
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