I do not know if this will work for other browsers, but it does with Firefox.
1--In the upper left hand corner of you monitor and moving to your right, there are seven words, each separated by a triple space.
2--Left click the third word-View.
3--Left click the bottom option in the drop down menu-Enter Reader View
4-The screen that appears will be in black & white, larger print and devoid of most graphics.
In the yrs. I have been using the above, only two sites had it locked out, with one being the New York Times. In addition, I have shared this with dozens of people, but one did not have the seven words in the upper left corner. I read through Firefox and found what that person needed to correct; it was a simple few second change.
Edited to add--Today, 02/10, a curious thought popped into my mind. Would the above work on a site that does not employ light gray on white? As I had never tried such, I decided to use this forum as a trial. It did not work, as Enter Reader View was not an option in the drop down menu. Next, I tried three other sites that do not use light gray on white; none had the Enter Reader View option. To my mind, a correlation would be illogical. Any thoughts?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2024 03:35AM by shopperbob.