Ipsos tax form?

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No, and I just tried to call and all I get is a recording. Someone in another thread said they talked to them and they said they mailed all of them out on 1-31. I didn’t get one in the mail today. Hopefully this week.
Nope. The Federal law used to require 1099's to be sent and postmarked no later than 1/31....I know that changed during the pandemic....but I thought it had changed back....anyway, still waiting...
It's only Feb. 5. USPS says mail takes 10 days. And lately it's been slower than that. Worry about it after the 15th.
Is it fair to assume that they combine the amounts earned from Sassie and Shopmetrics? I can see I saved a 1099-nec from 2022 earnings. I don't have a date on it though. I scanned to PDF late March, but I'm sure I received it sooner than that.
nope HB, they send 2 separate 1099s with all the same information, just different money amounts. It's kinda stupid. The only MSC that they purchased that has been fully integrated is MaritzCX, Ipsos was Shopmetrics and GFK was Sassie and they are still separate, they just have the same name now.
I wonder if they are available online. I see that one of my banks had me print from the website. t saves postage and could be easily printed.
I sent an email and got a response that they were mailed on the 31st of Jan.
nevermind, I said nothing at all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2024 06:45PM by Morledzep.
I've received nothing from either IPSOS organization. I used the site's contact form to ask about it 4 days ago and haven't received a response. Funny how we have to have all of our paperwork turned in to them on time but they don't feel that they have to follow IRS guidelines and issue our 1099s on time.
ginger, they followed the IRS guidelines, it has already been confirmed that the 1099s were mailed on Jan. 31. You are currently blaming the wrong organization for not doing their jobs in a timely manner. Since Mr. DeJoy took over the USPS mail delivery has been getting incrementally slower and slower. The USPS used to say that first class mail from coast to coast should take up to 10 business days. Now they say that 10 days is the AVERAGE time it takes to go coast to coast.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2024 07:45AM by Morledzep.
None from Bare either. I think they are connected. Do they know they can get fined by not sending them out by January 31st?
Saying they were mailed and doing it are two different statements. There is no evidence (yet) that they were mailed by Jan 31.
You dont have to wait to file if your records are accurate. Enter you income on schedule C, take your expenses....
@mgoodreau wrote:

March 7. Still nothing.

look again at your 1099s, do any of them say "Insight LLC" that is Ipsos. if you did less than $600 worth of work for them you won't get a 1099, and they still keep the shopmetrics and sassy platforms separate, so if you did more than $600 on each platform individually, they will send you two identical 1099's with all of the exact same information on them with different $ amounts.
None of them say "Insight." I have received every tax form except this one. I made far more than $600. They have told me twice that they are resending it. March 15. Still nothing.
It's March 18 and I still don't have mine. Where are they sending it from that the post office has taken 47 days to get it to me?

Along with the multiple additional ones they allegedly sent?
I'm curious why you would come on a thread where several people have said they did not receive there 1099 only from Ipsos and wonder why I am wrong to say I didnt get mine?
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