I have done tons of shops for Ath from 2006 through 2010. Most were various banks, but some other stuff too (even one of the most heinous never again pet store audits). Never got a score...a couple of comments, mostly informational, but not ratings.
I haven't worked for them in a while as they had nothing in SW Michigan any more. Recently they started shops at a Michigan based bank. I took a platform shop this week. Pay: $ 11.50. Way lower than in previous years. But, the bank is less than a half mile from my house so I thought why not?
The guidelines had a big long list of things you should take note of during your interaction and stated straight out that you must write several sentences of commentary detailing everything that happened and explaining all yes and no answers after each section of the report. Also stated they I must get a business card and upload to the survey. Okay.
When I went to report this assingment on line, all the yes/no questions were there for each section but there were NO COMMENT FIELDS after any of the sections. WTF? There was one comment section at the very end of the online report, but it had one very specific question above it - What made you feel that this experience was better or worse than other banking experiences? Also, there was no place to upload a business card to the survey.
I emailed them using the help feature on the shop log to ask where I should put my comments for each section since there were no comment fields on the report and how to send them the business card. My experience was not standard so I had some 'splaining that I wanted to do, too. NO ANSWER TO MY EMAIL BY REPORT DUE TIME (or even until now - days later!) Thanks, Ath!
I did a beginning to end narrative and put it in the how was this experience better or worse comment box at the end, turned in my business card with the wrong name on it by email to the scheduler and haven't heard one word...but WOW, don't think I'll do another of these.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2012 04:16PM by spera2.