Access ShopMetrics companies from one place?

I hope everyone is doing well! Is there a place where we can access all of our ShopMetrics companies from one place? Kind of like how we can access all of our Sassie companies from the SASS-Master on JobSlinger plus.

Thank you!

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Thank you for your reply. Presto is for MSCs on the Sassie platform. And Observa isn't a place where I can see Shopmetrics shops all from one place.
So there is only a phone version? I love using the presto instashopper on the desktop. Large monitors make it so much easier than 5" phone screens for looking at stuff.

I haven't used MobiAudit and really want to avoid using it if there is a better alternative.
It is my understanding that there is only a mobile version. I wish there was a Shopmetrics site similar to Presto Instashopper!
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